Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Spook Key Spook Key opens the Festival of Souls Boss Reward Chest. It is obtained by discovering or dealing at least 1,000,000 damage to any of:

The chest contents are fixed, so every time a key is used to withdraw an item, you will reduce the variance of the chest, increasing the probabilities for all items not drawn.

The Spook Chest Contents:[]

1 × Iron-Slicing Ronin Saigan (UR)
1 × PWR 14&UP UR Ticket × 1
2 × Ghost Army Leader Burdock (Rare)
10 × Anne, Devil Hunter Ace (Rare)
20 × Party Thrower Succubus (Rare)
5 × 10% UR Ticket × 1
20 × Rough Fighting Trees (Rare)
20 × Vigilant Spider Soldier (Rare)
20 × Young Princess Ozma (Rare)
75 × LCP Claim Ticket × 1
3 × Power Potion (Bound) × 10
30 × Power Potion (Bound) × 2
1 × Power Potion (Bound) × 40
60 × Power Potion (Bound) × 1
100 × Half Power Potion (Bound) × 1
10 × Energy Drink × 2
10 × Energy Drink (Bound) × 1
30 × Half Energy Drink (Bound) × 1
3 × Genius Baby Dragon (Rare)
120 × Mighty Young Dragon (UR)
180 × Mighty Baby Dragon (Rare)
180 × Prosperous Baby Dragon (Rare)
