Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Raven Queen Ariallas


Ravens have been despised as harbingers of doom, scavengers, and more. Ariallas, who possessed the ability to control these fowl was similarly ominous. It was said that the sight of her meant certain death. However, those that saw the way she treated her shadowy familiars would be surprised. Despite her ghastly appearance, her behavior towards them indicated that she held limitless compassion.


Added on July 8, 2014 as a part of Dragon's Hoard 3 Card Pack.

Name origin[]

A raven is one of several larger-bodied members of the genus Corvus. There are many references to ravens in legends and literature, mostly in Greek, Celtic, Norse, Pacific Northwest, and Roman mythology. Most of these refer to the widespread common raven. Because of its black plumage, croaking call, and diet of carrion, the raven has long been considered a bird of ill omen and of interest to creators of myths and legends. One theory that suggests the raven (like the coyote) obtained mythic status because it was a mediator animal between life and death. As a carrion bird, ravens became associated with the dead and with lost souls.

Additional Info[]

Special Skill Card for Half Life Odyssey Event. Boost the number of Event items acquired by up to 1.6 times regardless of Skill Level when evolved. Activates only if set as a Leader.
