Odysseus' plan to sneak into the Trojan enemy's stronghold with his decoy wooden horse was a huge success. With the war won, Odysseus could finally make his way back to his homeland. Barely suppressing his longing on his return journey, hordes of monsters set to stop him on his course. But no trial or hardship could sever his feelings for his native land of Ithaca.
Added June 18, 2013 during Heroes Colosseo I:
- Victory Count Reward - 70 wins.
- Revenge Count Reward - 30 Successful Revenges.
- Can be drawn with Gold Medals from Colosseo Card Pack.
Name Meaning[]
Perhaps derived from Greek οδυσσομαι (odyssomai) "to hate". In Greek legend Odysseus was one of the Greek heroes who fought in the Trojan War. In the 'Odyssey' Homer relates Odysseus's misadventures on his way back to his kingdom and his wife Penelope. BehindTheName.com