Niolsel saw the world as a flawless creation, and strove to maintain its perfection. Any deficiency or surplus would set into motion a catastrophic chain of events. To prevent such a horrifying fate, she observed Neotellus closely so that no lives were lost prematurely.
Added on May 10, 2015 as a Reward during Heroes Colosseo XXII Event, altogether 542+ cards:
- Class SS 6-16 (x2), 31-40 (x2), 51-55 (x2).
- Class S 2-12 (x2), 21-40 (x2), 61-90 (x2), 91-150.
- Class A 1-4 (x2), 21-50 (x2), 51-250.
- Class B 3-15 (x2), 16-30.
- Class C 2 (x2), 3-5.
- Battle count reward - 1,250th Battle.
Additional Info[]
- Featured on the banner of Heroes Colosseo XXII Event.
- Artwork by Marat Ars.
- Renewed Version: (Evenness) Preserving Angel Niolsel