Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

One for All, All for One is a Raid Event scheduled to run from April 29, 2013 at 8:00 PM (PST) until May 12, 2013 at 7:59 PM (PST).

Half-time maintenance is scheduled from May 5th 11:00 pm to 12:00 am(PST).

A new feature named "Full Scale Attack" introduced in the event now lets users use all of their current attack power to create a single powerful attack against bosses. This feature requires users to have a full attack power bar in order to be used.



The kingdom of Frencia is located in northwest Neotellus.

Its largest city Lutetia is known as the "Blooming Capitol" and bustles with activity year-round.

"Y'know, I don't think I've ever been here before. It might be nice to relax and see the sights for a change of pace."

The Heroes, weary from the calamity aboard the ark, welcomed of the idea of some recreation.

However, once they reached the city, Yvette couldn't help but be concerned about the gloomy expression on the residents' faces.

It wasn't long before they were approached by a small shadowy figure, flitting around like an insect.

It was a fairy, just like Yvette.

She had lived in Lutetia for many years as the self-proclaimed town gossip.

"No way! You say that Louis XIII has been acting strange ever since this black rain started falling?!"

The king was reputed to be a kind and peaceful soul, always striving to make his land safe and prosperous. Yet, suddenly he began enacting a string of unreasonable edicts.

"That fairy said the very day the rain started, a being with incredible power called upon the king."

The fairy had sensed the unusual aura surrounding the Heroes and begged them to get to the bottom of this mystery and revive the once-splendid metropolis.

Knowing there was no rest for the weary, the Heroes agreed to her request and began following up on her leads.


Chapter Page Energy EXP Coin Boss
1: 1-5 -1 +1 +20~24 Rebellious Musketeers
2: 6-10 -2 +2 +40~48 Rebellious Musketeers
3: 11-15 -3 +3 +60~72 (Bellicose) Rebellious Musketeers
4: 16-20 -4 +4 +60~72 Selfish Jacques Michel
5: 21-25 -5 +5 +80~96 Selfish Jacques Michel
6: 26-30 -6 +6 +80~96 (Betrayer) Selfish Jacques Michel
7: 31-35 -7 +7 +100~120 Unstoppable d'Artagnan
8: 36-40 -8 +8 +100~120 Unstoppable d'Artagnan
9: 41-45 -9 +9 +120~144 (Pensive) Unstoppable d'Artagnan
10: 46-50 -9 +9 +120~144 (Pensive) Unstoppable d'Artagnan


51+ -12 +12 +240~288 None

Raid bosses[]

Name Lvl HP Notes
Milady de Winter the Spy 1 100
Milady de Winter the Spy 2 600
Milady de Winter the Spy 3 900
Milady de Winter the Spy 4 1000
Milady de Winter the Spy 5 1500
Milady de Winter the Spy 6 3000
Milady de Winter the Spy 7 6000
Milady de Winter the Spy 8 10,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 9 15,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 10 20,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 11 30,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 12 40,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 13 50,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 14 56,000
Milady de Winter the Spy 15 62,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 1 68,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 2 74,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 3 80,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 4 86,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 5 92,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 6 98,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 7 110,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 8 130,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 9 160,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 10 180,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 11 200,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 12 250,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 13 300,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 14 400,000
(Vengeful) Milady de Winter the Spy 15 600,000
Revered Louis XIII 1 900,000
  • 1 time repel
  • Special repel reward
(Pompous) Revered Louis XIII 1 1,200,00
  • 1 time repel
  • Special repel reward
Captain de Tréville 1 30,000
  • 2x damage
  • Random Boss
  • 20 minute fight
(Advisor) Captain de Tréville 1 50,000
  • 2x damage
  • Random Boss
  • 20 minute fight
Duke of Buckingham 1 100,000
  • 2x damage
  • Random Boss
  • 20 minute fight
(Plotting) Duke of Buckingham 1 500,000
  • 2x damage
  • Random Boss
  • 20 minute fight
Corrupt Cardinal Richelieu 1 7,000,000
(Rogue) Corrupt Cardinal Richelieu 1 8,000,000
Twilight Ruler Umbriel 1 14,000,000
(Tumult) Twilight Ruler Umbriel 1 17,000,000

Raid Skills[]

Card Atk Boss
Fame Seeker Lenaelle 9590
Magical Musketeer Munster 9800
Render of Darkness Muriel 9765

for other raid skills, check Best Deck

Individual rewards[]

Android final rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 10
11 - 25
26 - 50
51 - 75
76 - 150
151 - 350
351 - 700
701 - 1,999
2,001 - 3,999
4,001 - 5,999
6,001 - 9,999
10,001 - 20,000

iOS final rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 20
21 - 70
71 - 150
151 - 250
251 - 500
501 - 1,200
1,201 - 2,999
3,001 - 4,999
5,001 - 9,999
10,001 - 19,999
20,001 - 29,999
30,001 - 35,000

Android half-time rewards[]

Rank Reward
1 - 5
6 - 20
21 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 500
501 - 1,000
1,001 - 2,000
2,001 - 3,000
3,001 - 5,000
5,001 - 8,000

iOS half-time rewards[]

Rank Reward
1 - 10
11 - 50
51 - 150
151 - 300
301 - 500
501 - 1,500
1,501 - 3,000
3,001 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000

10,001 - 18,000

Lucky ranking rewards[]

Android Rank iOS Rank Reward
  • 2,000
  • 4,000
  • 6,000
  • 10,000
  • 3,000
  • 5,000
  • 10,000
  • 20,000
  • 30,000

Mega Lucky ranking reward[]

Android Rank iOS Rank Reward
  • 777
  • 777

Common repel rewards[]

Repel Count Reward
3 10,000 Coins
10 Energy Drink x 1
20 Mighty Baby Dragon (Rare) x 1
30 Selfish Jacques Michel (Rare) x 1
40 Energy Drink x 2
50 Mighty Baby Dragon (Rare) x 1
60 Energy Drink x 3

Defeat Revered Louis XIII

Porthos the Strong (Rare) x 1
Defeat (Pompous) Revered Louis XIII Athos the Cunning (Ultra Rare) x 1

Guild Rewards[]

Android Guild Rewards[]

Rank Damage Req. Reward
1 15,000,000
2 - 4 15,000,000
5 - 10 5,000,000
11 - 100 500,000
101 - 250 100,000
251 - 500 100,000
501 - 1,000 100,000
1,001 - 1,500 100,000

iOS guild rewards[]

Rank Damage Req. Rewards
1 15,000,000
2 15,000,000
3-6 15,000,000
7-20 5,000,000
21-50 1,000,000
51-200 500,000
201-500 100,000
501-1000 100,000
1001-2000 100,000
2001-3000 100,000
3001-5000 100,000

Common repel Rewards[]

Guild Repel Count Damage Req. Reward
50 Bosses 1,000,000
100 Bosses 1,000,000
200 Bosses 1,000,000
500 Bosses 1,000,000
800 Bosses 1,000,000
1,200 Bosses 1,000,000
2,000 Bosses 1,000,000
4,000 Bosses 1,000,000