Ogma is a docile young man who likes to frolic with the forest animals. But should he catch even the faintest whiff of blood, he suddenly moprhs into a marauding monster that knows no mercy. The sight of Ogma cleaving his victims with his mighty battleax strikes fear into every warrior on the battlefield, and has earned him the moniker "The God of Death."
Added on April 6, 2014 as a Ranked reward during Heroes Colosseo X:
- Victory Count Reward - 70 Wins.
- Battle Count Reward - 90th Battle.
Name origin[]
The name berserker derives from the Old Norse berserkr (plural berserkir). This expression most likely arose from their reputed habit of wearing a kind of shirt or coat (serkr) made from the pelt of a bear (ber-) during battle. The bear was one of the animals representing Odin, and by wearing such a pelt the warriors sought to gain the strength of a bear and the favor of Odin.
Berserkers (or berserks) were Norse warriors who are primarily reported in the Old Norse literature to have fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk. Berserkers are attested to in numerous Old Norse sources. Most historians believe that berserkers worked themselves into a rage before battle, but some think that they might have consumed drugged foods.