The fair Mistletoe appeared on the night of Christmas Eve, wandering through the festive town with an enticing smile. "Why don't you spend this special night with me and make it more special?" However, those who fell for her charms were never seen again...
Added on December 7, 2016 to the Grab Bag Card Pack.
Name origin[]
Mistletoe is a parasite plant relevant to several cultures. In the Western world it became associated with Christmas.
Additional Info[]
- First stage of a 4-stage evolution.
- Can be evolved into element of player's choice with the Transcendental Forest Crest, Arcane Water Crest or Menacing Fire Crest.
- Boss in the Eve of Disaster Odyssey Event.
- Artwork by Viktoria Gavrilenko.
- Variation: (Fetching) Mistletoe, Holiday Plant
- Renewed Version: (Invite) Mistletoe, Festive Creeper