Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Irmela, Reaper of Bliss


Irmela is of the opinion that joy that has passed its prime is no longer worthy of savoring. In a ritual of her own design, she removes her lovely face and replaces it with the face stripped from a freshly-murdered person. This is merely the first step in claiming everything the victim possesses for her own.


Added on June 14, 2013 as a part of Voyage of Eidolon Card Pack.

Name Origin[]

Irmela is a feminine name of Germanic origin; the meaning is "whole, immence, universal; strong". German prefix Irm- means "all, whole, entire, universal". Irmela is a diminutive of the English, French, German, Indian, Italian, and Spanish name Irma.

Additional Info[]

See also[]
