Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Heroes Colosseo New Blood

Heroes Colosseo New Blood is a battle based event replacing the former Heroes Colosseo in March 2020 after Heroes Colosseo LXXXIV. Basically it is the same event with some changes.


  • Battle Limits
    • Players can only initiate a limited amount of battles with the same opponent (as before).
    • Each player can initiate only 500 battles (unlimited before, and 100 for the first events).
    • Use of Battle Elixir is discontinued.
  • Win and Loose when starting a battle
  • Life Points
    • All players start with the same amount of Life Points (the Life Point formula is not valid any more).
    • Can be raised through Guild Support (as before):
      • + 5% when hitting the Guild Support Button
      • + 10% when another Guild Member hits the Guild Support Button


In Heroes Colosseo New Blood I all players started in Class C. To establish the new classes, the first 4 events are run consecutively.

With Heroes Colosseo New Blood XXIII (September 2021), Ladder Battles were discontinued. The new class is now solely determined by the event ranking.

Class SS (40 Players, Title Effect 20% / 15% / 10%)

Class S (80 Players, Title Effect 8%)

  • The 10 highest ranking players will be promoted to Class SS.
  • The 20 lowest ranking players will be demoted to Class A.
  • Until Heroes Colosseo New Blood XXII (August 2021): The top 15 players will challenge the bottom 15 players of Class SS, Title Effect 5%

Class A (200 Players, Title Effect 5%)

  • The 20 highest ranking players will be promoted to Class S.
  • The 50 lowest ranking players will be demoted to Class B.
  • Until Heroes Colosseo New Blood XXII (August 2021): The top 30 players will challenge the bottom 30 players of Class S, Title Effect 3%

Class B (1,300 Players, Title Effect 3%)

  • The 50 highest ranking players will be promoted to Class A.
  • The 300 lowest ranking players will be demoted to Class C.
  • Until Heroes Colosseo New Blood XXII (August 2021): The top 60 players will challenge the bottom 60 players of Class A, Title Effect 2%

Class C (Title Effect 1%)

  • The 300 highest ranking players will be promoted to Class B.
  • Until Heroes Colosseo New Blood XXII (August 2021): The top 400 players will challenge the bottom 400 players of class B


  • God of Duels: Rank 1 in Class SS, Title Effect: 20%
  • Knight of Glory: Rank 2 -5 in Class SS, Title Effect: 15%
  • Arena Master: Rest of Class SS, Title Effect: 10%
  • Perfect Soldier: Class S, Title Effect: 8%
  • Ace Gladiator: Class A, Title Effect: 5%
  • Slayer: Class B, Title Effect: 2%
  • Gladiator: Class C, Title Effect: 1%

Colosseo Skill Card[]

  • The Skill card is bound until the event ends.
  • Boosts BP earnings up to 200% when evolved and up to 250% at Skill Lvl 10.