Encased in ice by the very man she had saved, Adaliah's turbid consciousness could only recognize the sound of the raging blizzard. The more her body froze, the stronger her magical powers grew. An expression of tranquility appeared on her face, and the wizard spoke to her in a reassuring voice. She was the only one who knew his true intentions.
- Acquired from the Winterfall Odyssey Event.
- Rereleased on March 13, 2014 in the Alchemy Card Pack.
- Rereleased on June 16, 2014 in the Grab Bag 4 Card Pack.
- Rereleased on June 19, 2014 in the Alchemy 3 Card Pack.
Name origin[]
Additional Info[]
- Artwork by songjjang100.
- Renewed Version: (Rescuing) Frost Princess Adaliah.