The Fortune Exchange was introduced along with the Crew Clash event in April 2021 with Fortune Relics as an event reward. In May 2022 the prices for new cards where lowered according the revamp of the event with Crew Clash Round 14.
Standard Items[]
- 1 x Tiamat (4-Stage evolution Havoc AR) for 100 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x The Furnace (3-Stage evolution Astra AR) for 80 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x (Observe Order) Graceful End Raguel for 70 (formerly 80) Fortune Relics, Limit: 2
- 1 x Selectable 40-PWR AR Ticket for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x Selectable 39-PWR Order AR Ticket for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x Selectable 38-PWR AR Ticket for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x Selectable 37-PWR AR Ticket for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x Selectable 36-PWR AR Ticket for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 3
- 1 x Selectable 35-PWR LR Ticket for 35 Fortune Relics, Limit: 4
- 1 x 31-34-PWR Guaranteed Ticket for 25 Fortune Relics, Limit: none
- 1 x Selectable 30-PWR LR Ticket for 5 Fortune Relics, Limit: 4
- 3 x Dragon King Egg x 3 for 1 Fortune Relic, Limit: none
- 1 x Medium Card Box for 20 Fortune Relics, Limit: 1
- 1 x Large Card Box for 30 Fortune Relics, Limit: 1
- 1 x Huge Card Box for 40 Fortune Relics, Limit: 1
- 1 x Vast Card Box for 50 Fortune Relics, Limit: 1
- 1 x Educational Tome (H) for 10 Fortune Relics, Limit: 5
- 1 x Gold Mirror for 20 Fortune Relics, Limit: 5
- 1 x Pistol for 10 Fortune Relics, Limit: 5
- 1 x Pendant for 10 Fortune Relics, Limit: 5
- 1 x Rum for 3 Fortune Relics, Limit: none
- Discontinued:
- 1 x Order AR from the Grab Bag (Event Card), Limit 2, every month from 2nd to 27th
Limited Cards[]
Limited Almighty Rares cards a sold for 75 Fortune Relics. Order Cards usually are limited to 2 cards, and Astra Cards to 3.
Selectable Cards[]
Current cards for the Selectable Tickets:
Current cards for the Guaranteed Ticket: