Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Fire Lotus Carmea


Her temple frozen over, Carmea felt as if she had stepped into some unfamiliar domain. Each deliberate step across the cold floor keenly reminded her of her own weakness. As the Fire Lotus, her main role in the new year festivities was to illuminate the night skies. However, seeing the monks encased in ice, she knew it was not the time for such trivial matters.


Added on December 26, 2014 as a highest final ranking reward in the Skies of Fire Raid Event, altogether 137+ cards:

  • Final rank 1-2 (x2), 2-4 (x2), 5-10 (x2), 11-20 (x2), 21-35 (x2), 36-50, 51-100.
  • Mega lucky rank 777, 7,777.
  • Guild rank 1, 2.

Name origin[]

Carmea is a variant of female name Carmel of Hebrew origin. Derived from the karmel meaning "garden, orchard; fruitful land" in Hebrew. Or Carmea can be a variant of English, Romanian, and Spanish Carmen, derived from Latin word carmen "song, tune; poem, verse".

Additional Info[]

EX is featured on the banner of the Skies of Fire Raid Event.
