Mert would perform any deed, no matter how heinous, for the sake of riches. His larceny supported an ephemeral life of peril and extravagance. So daring was he that he once snuck into a castle through the front gate and stole a priceless artifact, scantily escaping alive. And with his ill-gotten gains, he would spend it freely on pleasures and frivolities. His creed was to live as lavishly as possible, yet that fixation upon wealth was born from a thirst for vengeance.
Name origin[]
Mert is a Turkish masculine given name meaning, "manful", "brave", "trustworthy".
Additional Info[]
- Artwork by Reynan Sanchez.
- Renewed Versions: (Abundant Assets) Filthy Rich Mert & (Vast Expenditure) Filthy Rich Mert