Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Fight Fire With Fire is an Odyssey Event and the thirteenth in the series. It began on June 9, 2013 at 8:00 PM (PST) and is scheduled to end on June 14, 2013 at 7:59 PM (PST).

Raid style bosses appear in place of standard quest bosses, with their total health based on a player's recommended front line. The total health of each boss increases as players advance through the event quests. As the health of bosses increases, so does the total event items dropped. Additionally, defeating bosses gives a four minute window to collect double the event items.



Without warning, the dormant Mt. Vakk erupted! Lava flowed down the mountainside, burning the forest and driving the people from their homes.

"But why after so long would Mt. Vakk blow up like this?" Yvette was dubious.

People said that Gharmund Castle's proud master dragon controlled the volcano with his legendary sword, the Firedrake. It was that power that kept the mountain safe for so long.

"Looks like we has no choice but to brave the heat and the soot," lamented Yvette.

The Heroes plunged into the dark caverns of Mt. Vakk, searching for clues at its center. Before their very eyes stood the famous Gharmund castle, perilously perched above the waves of magma!

"How did the castle get here?! What happened to the Firedrake?"

Chasing after Yvette, the Heroes made for the fiery stronghold. They had to find the master and quell the flames before it was too late!"


"So the flame dragon sacrificed his life to carry out his sworn mission..."

Before he passed away, he had sealed fragments of the Firedrake within his scales and scattered them around the castle. When the scales were gathered and brought together, the seal was broken and the precious sword appeared before their eyes, awash in flame. The Heroes felt a sense of respect for the honorable flame dragon well up within them.

"But I was starting to get pretty hot under the collar near the end there. If we didn't have help, there's no way we would've succeeded."

The Heroes fought numerous formidable enemies in their quest to gather the Fire Scales. Even after they finally defeated Samuel for good, the arrogant Erwin appeared when they went even deeper within the castle.

Yet even in the face of his overwhelming might, the flame dragon's offspring, the lava dragon, showed no fear and crushed the evil arbitrator.

"I'm sure that the Gharmund and the Firedrake will be just fine in the care of such a brave heir. I'll bet the flame dragon is proud of his son."

Yvette and the Heroes took a moment to watch as the castle submerged beneath the lava, back to its rightful place.

"Now that's over with, look at me! I'm a mess! Even my wings are covered in soot! We better get somewhere where I can wash this off, pronto!"

At Yvette's command, the Heroes headed for the cave mouth. With the image of the gallant lava dragon burned into their minds, they swore to become even stronger in their journey.


Chapter Quest Energy EXP Coin Boss
1: 1-5 -1 +2 +20~24 Treasure Bearing Goblin
2: 6-10 -1 +2 +20~24 Treasure Bearing Goblin
3: 11-15 -1 +2 +20~24 (Elated) Treasure Bearing Goblin
4: 16-20 -1 +2 +20~24 Hellscorch Fiend
5: 21-25 -1 +2 +20~24 Hellscorch Fiend
6: 26-30 -2 +3 +40~48 (Celestial) Hellscorch Fiend
7: 31-35 -2 +3 +40~48 Crimson Guard
8: 36-40 -3 +4 +60~72 Crimson Guard
9: 41-45 -3 +4 +60~72 (Stronghold) Crimson Guard
10: 46-50 -3 +4 +60~72 Iva of the Flamewood
11: 51-55 -3 +3 +60~72 Dragon Handling Heroine
12: 56-60 -4 +4 +80~96 Dragon Handling Heroine
13: 61-65 -4 +4 +80~96 (Explore) Dragon Handling Heroine
14: 66-70 -5 +5 +100~120 Magma Beast
15: 71-75 -5 +5 +100~120 Magma Beast
16: 76-80 -5 +5 +100~120 (Indigenous) Magma Beast
17: 81-85 -6 +6 +120~144 Hellfire Incarnate
18: 86-90 -7 +7 +140~168 Hellfire Incarnate
19: 91-95 -8 +8 +160~192 (Charred) Hellfire Incarnate
20: 96-100 -9 +9 +180~216 Samuel, Jewel Spirit Lord
Roiling Unease 100+ -9 +9 +180~216 (Collect) Samuel, Jewel Spirit Lord*
  • This boss will continually appear every 25 levels, starting from 100

Individual rewards[]

Android final rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 15
16 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 400
151 - 400
401 - 1000
1001 - 1,999
2000 - 3,999
4,001 - 7,999
8,001 - 14,999
15,001 - 24,999
10,001 - 15,000

iOS final rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 15
16 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 250
251 - 400
401 - 1,000
1,001 - 1,999
2,001 - 3,999
4,001 - 6,999
7,001 - 9,999
10,001 - 14,999
15,001 - 24,999
25,001 - 35,000

Power Potion (Bound) × 1

Lucky ranking rewards[]

Android Rank iOS Rank Reward
  • 2,000
  • 4,000
  • 6,000
  • 10,000
  • 2,000
  • 4,000
  • 7,000
  • 10,000
  • 15,000
  • 25,000

Guild Rewards[]

Android Guild Rankings[]

Rank Requirements Reward
1 1000
2 - 4 800
5 - 10 800
11 - 100 250
101 - 250 100
251 - 500 100
501 - 1,000 100
1,001 - 1,500 100

iOS Guild Rankings[]

Rank Requirements Rewards
1 20,000
2 20,000
3 20,000
4 - 10 20,000
11 - 20 5000
21 - 50 5000
51 - 200 1000
201 - 500 500
501 - 2000 200
2001 - 3000 100
3001 - 5000 100

Common individual rewards[]

Requirement Reward
Medallion Treasure Set Suvi the Beheader
Sparkling Ring Treasure Set Double Bladesman Clyde
Clay Doll Treasure Set Lava Dragon, Born of Flames
50 Caverns Iva of the Flamewood
100 Caverns Samuel, Jewel Spirit Lord
Total Completion

Blade Bearer Hilde
