The gifted wooden horse was brought into Troy. Many thought it was a blessing sent from the gods themselves, foretelling their eminent victory over the Spartan forces. While the rest of the town celebrated, only Laocoonte noticed that the horse was a dangerous trap set by their enemies to infiltrate the city. Just before he could raise a cry of warning to his people, a humongous serpent lashed out in front of him, fangs bared and ready to strike.
Added on June 18, 2013 during Heroes Colosseo I:
- Victory Count Reward - 20 wins.
- Revenge Count Reward - 60 Successful Revenges.
Name Origin[]
The statue of Laocoön and His Sons (Italian: Gruppo del Laocoonte) shows the Trojan priest Laocoön and his sons being strangled by sea serpents. Laocoön was killed after attempting to expose the ruse of the Trojan Horse by striking it with a spear. The snakes were sent by Poseidon (although Athena or Apollo have also been suggested) and were interpreted by the Trojans as proof that the horse was a sacred object.