Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Evil-Sworn Rochefort


Rochefort, loyal subordinate of Cardinal Richelieu, continued to use his evil powers in the effort to conquer Frencia. Despite the Cardinal's long absence, Rochefort held tight to the belief that she would return for decades. Then, one day, he heard a familiar voice calling from the darkness. Barely able to contain his joy, he finally beheld her once more.


Added on April 27, 2013 as a part of One for All Card Pack.

Name Origin[]

The Comte de Rochefort is a secondary fictional character in Alexandre Dumas' d'Artagnan Romances. He is described as "around forty or forty-five, fair with a scar across his cheek", also known throughout the novel as "The Man from Meung". He is the other main agent and spy, in addition to Milady de Winter, of Cardinal Richelieu.

Rochefort is a French surname, habitational name from any of numerous places named Rochefort, from Old French roche "rocky outcrop".

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Chin Jing Hui.
