In the darkest reaches of the underworld lies a castle of turquoise-winged draconians. Their sole duty is the upbringing and discipline of the near-extinct Void Dragons, born from nothingness. Novice Damiziana has been entrusted with her first dragon pup, Decimo. Though cute, newborn dragons can be a handful for even the most seasoned caretakers, so it takes every ounce of her strength to keep Decimo under control.
Name Origin[]
Domiziana is pronounced as DahMAYZIYAENah, is of Latin origin and predominantly used in Italian. It is derived from the word domitus meaning 'tamed'. BabyNamesPedia.com
- Added on April 16, 2013 as part of the Beauty and the Cryptid card pack.
Additional Info[]
- Artist: J. Otto Szatmari