Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Dragon's Hoard BOX Ticket

Dragon's Hoard was a BOX Card Pack which was released monthly from May 2014 to April 2020. From May 2020 on it included 2 Order Almighty Rares.

For a list of cards from this card pack see here.

Dragon's Hoard 1[]

Dragon's Hoard

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from May 7, 2014 to May 18, 2014. The Pack contain 4 Ultra Rare and 6 Rare Cards. Also it features ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system.

This Card Pack is a part of 2 Year Anniversary Celebration Compain.

Cards Added[]

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Cards[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
4 - 20
  • 17 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 2
  • 14 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 2
21 - 50
  • 17 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 2
  • 14 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 1
51 - 100
  • 17 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 1
101 - 250
  • 14 PWR and Up Guaranteed Ticket x 1
251 - 400
  • 10% Guaranteed Ticket x 1

Dragon's Hoard 2[]

Dragon's Hoard 2

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from June 8, 2014. The Pack contains 4 Ultra Rare and rereleases 6 Rare Cards from Eternal Reclamation Box Card Pack. One Card has Skill for Through the Rift Odyssey Event. Also it features ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Cards[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
4 - 20
  • PWR 17&UP UR Ticket x 2
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 2
21 - 50
  • PWR 17&UP UR Ticket x 2
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 1
51 - 100
  • PWR 17&UP UR Ticket x 1
101 - 250
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 1
251 - 400
  • 10% UR Ticket x 1

Dragon's Hoard 3[]

Dragon's Hoard 3

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from July 8, 2014. The Pack contains 4 Ultra Rare, one Rare and rereleases 5 Rare Cards. Two Cards have Skill for Half Life Odyssey Event. Also it features ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Cards[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
4 - 20
  • PWR 17&UP UR Ticket x 2
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 2
21 - 50
  • PWR 17&UP UR Ticket x 2
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 1
51 - 100
  • PWR 16&UP UR Ticket x 1
101 - 250
  • PWR 14&UP UR Ticket x 1
251 - 400
  • 10% UR Ticket x 1

Dragon's Hoard 4[]

Dragon's Hoard 4

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from August 5 to August 11, 2014. The Pack contains 3 Ultra Rare and one Rare Cards and rereleases 5 Rare Cards from Torn Asunder Card Pack. Three Cards have Skill for Tomb of Oblivion Odyssey Event. Also it features ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system, and two Ranking Periods: from August 5, 8:00 pm to August 9, 7:59 pm (PST); from August 9, 8:00 pm to August 11, 11:59 pm (PST). And a new Special Evolution Card introduced.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Special Evolution UR Cards[]

New special evolution UR, evolves into:

Evolves into element of user's choice:

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Cards[]

Dragon's Hoard 5[]

Dragon's Hoard 5 52H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from November 12 to November 16, 2014. The Pack contains 3 new 20-PWR Ultra Rare Cards and rereleases 3 Ultra Rare from Dragon's Hoard 2 as Returning 19-PWR URs and 9 Rare Cards.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 6[]

Dragon's Hoard 6 52H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from November 18 to November, 2014. The Pack rereleases 15 cards: three Ultra Rare as Returning 19-PWR URs, three Ultra Rare Cards as 20-PWR "Reborn URs", powered-up animated versions of popular Cards, and 9 Rare Cards.

Cards Reborn[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 7[]

Dragon's Hoard 7 48H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack avaliable from December 15 to December 22, 2014. The Pack features three new 20-PWR Ultra Rares which invoke artistic masterpieces from around the world, whether Ukiyo-e, Renaissance, or Art Nouveau. And rereleases 12 cards: three as Returning 19-PWR URs and 9 Rare Cards.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 8[]

Dragon's Hoard 8

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from January 9 to January 13, 2014. The Pack features three new 20-PWR Ultra Rares and rereleases 15 cards: six Ultra Rares as Returning 19-PWR URs available only with Exchange Tickets and 9 Rare Cards.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 9[]

Dragon's Hoard 9

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from January 15 to January 20, 2015. The Pack features three new 20-PWR Ultra Rares available only with Exchange Tickets and rereleases three Ultra Rares as Returning 19-PWR URs, the rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons.

Cards Added[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 10[]

Dragon's Hoard 10

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from January 21 to January 26, 2015. The Pack rereleases three Ultra Rare Cards as 20-PWR "Reborn URs", powered-up animated versions of popular Cards, and three Ultra Rare cards as Returning 18-PWR URs, the rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons.

Cards Reborn[]

Cards Rereleased[]

Dragon's Hoard 11[]

Dragon's Hoard 11

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from February 9 to February 13, 2015. The Pack features three 20-PWR Ultra Rare Cards with Double Skills. The content of the box is Enhancer Dragons and Tickets.

Cards Added[]

Dragon's Hoard 12[]

Dragon's Hoard 12 52H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from February 18 to February 23, 2015. The Pack features new one 18-PWR Ultra Rare card with new Amplify Skill and rereleases three Ultra Rare Cards as 20-PWR "Reborn URs", powered-up animated versions of popular Cards. The rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons and tickets. First draw is free.

Cards Added[]

Cards Reborn[]

Dragon's Hoard 13[]

Dragon's Hoard 13 72H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from March 16 to March 22, 2015. The Pack includes three 20-PWR Ultra Rare cards featuring Heroines from Legendary Tales, drawnable only with UR Exchange Ticket. Also features ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system. The rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons and tickets. First draw is free.

Cards Added[]

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Cards[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 2
3 - 8
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 2
9 - 20
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 1
21 - 50
  • PWR 20&UP UR Ticket x 1
51 - 150
  • PWR 19&UP UR Ticket x 1
151 - 200
  • PWR 18&UP UR Ticket x 1
201 - 300
  • PWR 16&UP UR Ticket x 1

Dragon's Hoard 14[]

Dragon's Hoard 14 52H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from May 14 to May 21, 2015. The Pack includes three 20-PWR Ultra Rare cards featuring Heroes from novella The Little Prince. Also features three animated 22-PWR URs drawnable only with 22-PWR UR Exchange Ticket available from ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system. The rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons and tickets. First draw is free.

Cards Added[]

22-PWR UR Exchange Ticket Cards[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 2
  • 22-PWR UR Exchange Ticket x 1
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 2
3 - 8
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 2
9 - 20
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 1
21 - 50
  • PWR 20&UP UR Ticket x 1
51 - 150
  • PWR 19&UP UR Ticket x 1
151 - 200
  • PWR 18&UP UR Ticket x 1
201 - 300
  • PWR 16&UP UR Ticket x 1

Dragon's Hoard 15[]

Dragon's Hoard 15 76H Gem Sale

Dragon's Hoard is a BOX Card Pack available from June 16 to June, 2015. The Pack includes three 21-PWR Ultra Rare cards featuring Legendary Beauties and an animated 23-PWR UR available from Highest ATK/DEF Score Ranking and Rewards system. The rest content of the box is Enhancer Dragons and tickets. First draw is free.

Cards Added[]

Highest ATK/DEF Ranking Reward Card[]

Highest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 2
3 - 8
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 2
9 - 20
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 1
21 - 50
  • PWR 20&UP UR Ticket x 1
51 - 150
  • PWR 19&UP UR Ticket x 1
151 - 200
  • PWR 18&UP UR Ticket x 1
201 - 300
  • PWR 16&UP UR Ticket x 1

Lowest ATK/DEF Score Rankings[]

Rank Reward
1 - 2
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 2
3 - 10
  • New UR (DH) Exchange Ticket x 1
11 - 30
  • PWR 20&UP UR Ticket x 1
31 - 70
  • PWR 19&UP UR Ticket x 1
71 - 120
  • PWR 18&UP UR Ticket x 1
121 - 200
  • PWR 16&UP UR Ticket x 1