Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Disease Slasher Ditellius


Ditellius possesses extraordinary healing arts that appear as witchcraft to the untrained eye. Through many praise him for his prodigious talents, others fear him as a conniving demon. Yet even when accosted by stones and slander, the abuse does not dissuade him from tending to those in need.


Added on April 9, 2015 as a Reward during Heroes Colosseo XXI Event, altogether 538+ cards:

  • Class SS 3 (x2), 4-6 (x2), 7-8 (x2), 9-12 (x2), 13-16 (x2), 31-40 (x2), 51-55 (x2).
  • Class S 1-2 (x2), 3-7 (x2), 8-15 (x2), 31-50 (x2), 71-90 (x2), 91-120, 121-150.
  • Class A 1 (x2), 2-4 (x2), 31-50 (x2), 51-100, 101-250.
  • Class B 3-4 (x2), 5-15 (x2), 16-30.
  • Class C 2 (x2), 3-5.
  • Battle count reward - 1,250th Battle.

Additional Info[]
