Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Demogorgon & Lyudmila


An irritated cry arose from the dark depths of the ocean; "I had presently attained slumber, yet you disturbed it," groused the voice. Lyudmila, who had been passing by, frowned as her sea dragon roared, vigilant, agitated, and frightened all at once. She could tell that the mysterious presence was extraordinary indeed. "Who would sleep down here?" she thought as she stepped forth, pitying the fool that would trespass into her domain.


Added on April 8, 2015 as a part of Interwoven Destiny BOX Card Pack as first DUO card featuring popular characters.

Name origin[]

Demogorgon, although often ascribed to Greek mythology, is attributed to a fourth-century scholar, imagined as the name of a pagan deity or demon, associated with the underworld and envisaged as a powerful primordial being, whose very name had been taboo. Various theories suggest that the name is derived from a combination of the Greek words daimon ("spirit" given the Christian connotations of "demon") or, less likely demos ("people") and Gorgon ("grim") - the Ancient Greek triad of goddesses (Stheno, Euryale and Medusa) whose name derived from word gorgos ("dreadful").

Lyudmila, Ludmila or Ludmilla is a Slavic feminine name; the meaning is "loved by the people", consists of two elements lud "people" and mila "dear, favour, love".

Additional Info[]

The DUO card featuring Primeval Dark Demogorgon and Lyudmila, Sea Dragon Keeper united.

  • Demogorgon Artwork by Ruan Jia.
  • The artwork for Lyudmila is censored.