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All items (1734)
- (Acceded) Leader of Masses Marianne
- (Ace) Rayzas, Enemy of Darkness
- (Acrobat) Thief Aesthete Fabiano
- (Aether) Arianrhod, Guiding Arcane
- (Afterglow) Guarded Daughter Arieya
- (Alpine) Meity, Frostridge Princess
- (Amore) Twilight's Fallen Archangel
- (Antinomy) Disobedient Immanuel
- (Armed) Hugues, Paladin of Justice
- (Ascending) Eldram, Ruin Manifest
- (Augment) Gurkant the Unassailable
- (Avowing) Bereft Prince Siegfried
- (Batter) Demon King's Captive Marie
- (Beaming) Iron General Seras
- (Befouled) Babel, Enemy of Heaven
- (Blighted) Sandra, Deformed Angel
- (Bloodspray) Ohan the Ruthless
- (Burly) Alvatov, Savage Sovereign
- (Capable) Grand Steward Xaviel
- (Chance) Tenacious Dark Sorceress
- (Charming) Life Instiller Heloise
- (Chivalrous) Martyred Knight Gawain
- (Cleanse) Sacred Oceanic Banquet
- (Cleanse) Teal Ocean Banquet
- (Cleanse) Teal Oceanic Banquet
- (Clever) Athos the Cunning
- (Cobalt) Jared of the King's Blades
- (Coexist) Destiny Hydro Dragon
- (Compact) Core's Commander Helfried
- (Companion) Nostina, Golden Goddess
- (Confined) Garnalla, Free Prisoner
- (Connect) Cryptid Companion Austin
- (Consecrated) Divine Enforcer Krato
- (Control) Silver Mermaid Rhiahan
- (Convey) Memories of Teal Seas
- (Convey) Memories of the Sea
- (Conviction) Sacred Mountain Hunter
- (Creating) Clemente, Seeking an End
- (Crew) Drescher, Treasure Master
- (Demonize) Arachnodancer Albina
- (Deserted) Melfon, Dragon's Captive
- (Devilhand) Yuis the Fugitive
- (Devoir) Elesio, Born of Crystal
- (Differ) Interrealm King Adalbert
- (Disconcerted) Inquiring Palmiro
- (Discretion) Elkord, Augur's Pupil
- (Droll) Mad Hatter the Fashionisto
- (Encroach) Darkwolf Witch Mynoghra
- (End Fate) Adrashian the Orphaned
- (Endangered) Incalnita the Glirha
- (Everhunt) Ildagar of Silent Deep
- (Exalted) Odin, Overflowing Goddess
- (Exiling) Kikyo, Young Banisher
- (Fascinating) Heart Stealer Helen
- (Fissure) Isedd, World Distorter
- (Flexible) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Folklore) Cascading Dragon God
- (Grave) Aristid, Defender of Hope
- (Hardedge) Galham, Strata Swordsman
- (Homicidal) Soul-Poisoned Rutika
- (Icewave) Sedna, Wintry Sea Queen
- (Ill-Fated) Orietta, Vampire's Love
- (Infatuated) Nemes, Will of Tartas
- (Insight) Aileen, the Omniscient
- (Intention) Josef, Public Defender
- (Intrigue) Fallen Dark Richelieu
- (Intuition) Helena, Goddesses' Envy
- (Just) Gallahan, Royal Mercenary
- (Laurels) Nike, Goddess of Triumph
- (Load) Dedry of the Forgotten Realm
- (Locked Lips) True Serpent Lamalia
- (Locked) Lucia, Cursed Captive
- (Lose Die) Evil Knight King Loser
- (Lunar) Ever Isochronal Diana
- (Meaning) Ruhle, Princess of Light
- (Militaristic) Nimrod the Heroic
- (Mindful) Kalina, Seeking Wisdom
- (Misfortune) Snake-Eyed Isissa
- (Monarch) Maneating Demon Britt
- (Moody) Enemy-Infatuated Jansla
- (Mystic) Degenerate Witch Tarquinia
- (Noble Defense) Greatshield Eolgria
- (Original) Valeria, Awakened Model
- (Overthrow) Patrice the Inquisitor
- (Paladin) Crusader Captain Vsevolod
- (Pangs) Lamenting Gladiator Deborah
- (Paradisal) Plumefall Angel Septena
- (Partner) Mirs, Dragon Savior
- (Perfect) Supreme Creation Veronika
- (Plea) Vilhermina, Awaiting Rescue
- (Polar) Arctic Permafrost Empress
- (Rebuild) Wishmaker Scheherazade
- (Renege) Hewes the Haughty Hero
- (Request) Lysac & Puppets of Chaos
- (Revealed) The Phantom of the Opera
- (Saintheart) Enduring Elsera
- (Savvy) Retaliatory Tinkerbell
- (Scarlet) Lady Crimson of Dawn
- (Serenity) Preserving Angel Niolsel
- (Shear) Lucido, Master Beautician
- (Shine) Dragon of Cerulean Memories
- (Smoothly) Christmas Commander Kris
- (Spare None) Iolina the Plague
- (Stagnant) Shadow Fallen Mad Hatter
- (Starlight) Cosmic Angel Adariel
- (Steadfastz) Daryl on a Mission
- (Stouthearted) Zack, Necron Sage
- (Study) Winter, Evocative Magician
- (Suave) Sea Gentleman l'Olonnais
- (Sublime) Cosmos Reviver Kamimusubi
- (Succumb) Demon-Resisting Xenagia
- (Sully) Bertrand, Lord of Sacrilege
- (Tether) Far-Reaching Sfila
- (Tornado) Liberata of Docile Zephyr
- (Tower) Dimension Prisoner Archelot
- (Truekill) Demorius, Undead Hunter
- (Unknown) Ulrich the Eradicator
- (Unshakeable) Great Fighter Fredric
- (Warclap) Odin, Overflowing Goddess
- (Warming) Arle, Rainbow Sprite
- (Watchful) Aqua Goddess Grau
- (Weightless) Connie and the Skyfish
- (Wintry) Frozen Tyrant Ghanon
- (World's End) All-Knowing Tolfewtor
- (Value) A Girl & A Wise Hunter
- (Thanks) A Hero's Festival
- (Lifeline) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Unfettered) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Icon) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Mellowing) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Relieving) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Frigid) Absolute Zero Evangeline
- (Explicit) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Averted) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Vindicated) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Heartfelt Blow) Admiring Scarlett
- (Fomenting) Advachiel of Horizons
- (A. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (A. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Symbiosis) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Course) Ainas, Unicorn Messenger
- (Lost Wish) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Enchanted Flight) Airy Witch Marny
- (Hapless) Alberich, Taunted by Fate
- (Heroism) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Take Flight) Ales the Raven King
- (A. F.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (A. G.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (Relieve) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Remedial) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Therapy) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Cruor) Almaria, Blood Alchemist
- (Reconciliation) Almighty Dominus
- (Miracle) Alta, Gifted with Freedom
- (Counterforce) Alternating Reversa
- (Powershift) Alternating Reversa
- (Ally) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Duty) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Right) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Team) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Unit) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Doom) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Welkin) Amaria of Holy Blue & Gold
- (A. F.) Amaria of Holy Ebon & Pearl
- (A. G.) Amaria of Holy Ebon & Pearl
- (Concupiscent) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Double Charm) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Impure Spell) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Joy Foster) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Nascency) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Punishing) Angel Executioner Endel
- (Pentavigor) Angel of Blessings
- (Submersed) Angelia the Reluctant
- (Withered) Anneli, Beguiled Demon
- (Fairylight) Annola, Viridian Queen
- (Deadlock) Anshar, Realm Explorer
- (Stamp Out) Anshar, Realm Explorer
- (Moonsnaring) Anti-Lunar Isolde
- (Aquatrident) Antia, Sacred Marine
- (Skybound) Arael, Grounded Angel
- (Water IX) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Fearsome) Archfiend Bradburn
- (Progenitor) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Recreate) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Unifying) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Steelskin) Arcturus the Ruined
- (Playful) Arena Girl Jaspearl
- (Querulous) Arena Girl Jaspearl
- (Ridiculing) Arena Girl Jaspearl
- (Gracelight) Arle, Rainbow Sprite
- (Clearance) Armsbroker Piera
- (August) Artorius, Holy Sword King
- (Exerted) Artorius, Holy Sword King
- (Preside) Artorius, Holy Sword King
- (A. F.) Ascended Adonis
- (A. G.) Ascended Adonis
- (Gathering Might) Ascended Adonis
- (Matey) Ashan the True Pirate
- (Refurbish) Ashlee, Nursing Steel