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All items (1031)
- (Local Idol) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Recipient) Absolving Queen Hermina
- (Unhostile) Absolving Queen Hermina
- Abyss Drake Ginnungagap
- Acidic Saldona
- (Ferocious Approach) Acidic Saldona
- (Morbid Dissolution) Acidic Saldona
- (Sad Victim) Adder Princess Amarnah
- (Ideation) Adelia the Revolutionary
- Adelphos, Sin Punisher
- (Wild Credo) Adelphos, Sin Punisher
- (Due Decline) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Gracestrain) Adid, Divinity Fading
- Afterschool Luanna
- Aides, Unexpected Guest
- Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Glacial Course) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Contending) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Concise) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Airborne Path) Ales the Raven King
- (Spun Death) All-Entangling Arachna
- (Uncover) Allison & the Green Blaze
- (Candied Heart) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Immerse) Alta, Gifted with Freedom
- Altered Elimval
- (Diabolical Snare) Altered Elimval
- (Twelve Years) Altered Elimval
- Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Terrible) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- Amor, God of Romance
- (Spread Sense) Amor, God of Romance
- Amulet Goddess Amewl
- (Rumormongering) Amused Spirana
- (Learned) Ana-Sula, Spirit Consoler
- (Happy Sign) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Enactment) Angel Executioner Endel
- (Tendering) Angel Executioner Endel
- Angel Twins Emir & Hedir
- (Benefic) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Give Shape) Animating Artist Parma
- (Fury Link) Anjee the Soul-Chaining
- (Lifecurse) Anjee the Soul-Chaining
- (Sentimental) Anneli, Smitten Demon
- (Lone Procession) Annika, War Bride
- (Quiet Glow) Annola, Viridian Queen
- (Safe Space) Annola, Viridian Queen
- (Sweet Rest) Annola, Viridian Queen
- Anointing Marceluna
- (Vigilantism) Anshar, Realm Voyager
- (Impassioned Plea) Anxious Maleyha
- (Wholehearted Plea) Anxious Maleyha
- Apex-Seeking Laoshen
- (Pristine Regard) Aqua Sphere Petra
- (Uplifting Sight) Aqua Sphere Petra
- (Far Shores) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Idle Froth) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- Artful Koji Kashin
- Ashendal the Founder
- (Hateful) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- Astrid the Hexcaster
- (Mystic Glare) Astrid the Hexcaster
- Astute Sage Apollonius
- (Blest Duty) Astute Sage Apollonius
- (Sighting) Atepen, Clever Alchemist
- (Proper Precept) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Dawn Patrol) Atia, Highland Lupine
- (Altered Sense) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- Attached Witch of the North
- (Train) Attached Witch of the North
- (Frail Balance) Attuning Belgantier
- Automata Zealot Marina Lina
- Autumn Bather Yumika
- (Steam Screen) Autumn Bather Yumika
- (Dismal Plan) Avian Adherent Romaya
- Ax Princess Inahime
- Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Productive) Azathoth, Great Matron
- Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Collaboration) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- Backtracking Elimval
- (Reverse Flow) Backtracking Elimval
- (Moral Heart) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Hovering) Balloon Priestess Granet
- (Overview) Balloon Priestess Granet
- (Red Smear) Bandard, Ironwing Thief
- (Diverged) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Scowling) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Affect) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- (Demand) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- (Extent) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- Battlerina Isabelle
- Beach Chemist Ashera
- Beach Warrior Sitri
- Bead-Seeking Wa'on
- (Forthcoming) Beast's Beloved Belle
- (Uncontrived) Beast's Beloved Belle
- Beast-Imitating Jenna
- (Proud Cost) Beautiful Bounty Tinao
- (Urban Fright) Bell Dancer Manaraji
- (Wicked Peals) Bell Dancer Manaraji
- Berry Blaster Lynvera
- (Low Population) Bird Rider Rowena
- (Frightful) Black Dragonrider Atna
- (Gravetalon) Black Dragonrider Atna
- (Stern Bane) Black Dragonrider Atna
- Black Sea Witch Zoqra
- (Storm Surge) Black Sea Witch Zoqra
- Blade Heiress Shariala
- Bladepinion Di Luna
- Bloodfrond Seralotte
- (Merry Torment) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Strewed Bloom) Bloodrose Ile Rouge
- (Vivid Cascade) Bloodrose Ile Rouge
- (Chicanery) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Lifetrade) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Petalpicking) Blossom Cleric Efrem
- (Assistant) Blue Thaumaturge Servus
- (Bone Song) Blue Thaumaturge Servus
- (Push Through) Border-Defying Nasei
- Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Everviolent) Boruz of Blood Valley
- Bottled Leyran
- (Latent Wealth) Brooke the Salvager
- (Fractious) Brynhildr, War Princess
- Bölverk the Bulwark
- (Show Piece) Caged Demon Fiorentina
- (Active Watch) Caleniel, Sky Jailer
- Calibas the Stranded
- (Edgewise Gap) Calibas the Stranded
- (Investment) Canor the Vaultbreaker
- (Ready Loot) Canor the Vaultbreaker
- (Hardworking) Captive Warrior Azena
- Capturing Lenaphine
- (Lone Survivor) Capturing Lenaphine
- Cascade Nymph Gevanna
- (Heavy Burden) Casket Courier Vanda
- (9th Page) Casket-Embracing Rinne
- (Drafting) Castle Exorcist Nostrad
- (Sharp Pen) Castle Exorcist Nostrad
- (Substanceless) Celestial Romana
- Celia the Lunablade
- (Shaded Intention) Cerulean Artanis
- (Leverage) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Copious) Charana of Glitz Galleria
- (Surplus) Charana of Glitz Galleria
- Charged Witch of the North
- (Strain) Charged Witch of the North
- (Ashamed) Chesieres, Pouring Wisdom
- (Retired) Chesieres, Pouring Wisdom
- Christmas Tree Abies
- (Climbing) Citadel Messenger Ebelle
- (Top Path) Citadel Messenger Ebelle
- (Propagate) Clecie of Dusk and Dawn
- Cliff Medium Evijon
- (Blood Thorn) Clinging Briar Samara
- (Fun Torment) Clinging Briar Samara
- (Floaty Imagery) Cloud Queen Lovisa
- Coastal Warrior Solaca
- (Severe Regulation) Colonel Ruffine
- Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Wayward Lights) Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Betterment) Commander Cho Hakkai
- Commended Telnies
- (Lightwill) Compassionate St. Meryl
- (Detachment) Comte de Saint Germain
- (Separation) Comte de Saint Germain
- Concluding Erphonne
- (Deprived Home) Concluding Erphonne
- (Proxy Murderer) Condemning Krestia
- Conductive Negarusa
- (Victory Feast) Conductress Galatea
- (Red Meal) Confined Man-Eater Silva
- Conjuring Palmera
- (Worthy Appeal) Consecrated Ginevra
- (Ninth Page) Contracting Mephisto
- (Accepted Claim) Convicting Krestia
- Cosmic Convict Nazamaul
- (Detention) Cosmic Convict Nazamaul
- (Bounding Course) Cottontail Thalia
- (Dismal Plumage) Crane-Enamored Oni
- (Random Meeting) Crane-Enamored Oni
- Creators of Humanity
- (Deliberation) Creators of Humanity
- (Entitle) Cresencia, Breath of Life
- Crime Boss Hao Mei
- Crimson Edge Désastre
- (Dark Murder) Crimson Edge Désastre
- (Esthetical) Crimson-Lipped Michela
- (Felicity) Cruel Dollmaker Lorraine
- Cruel Goddess Agrona
- Crystal Princess Nadine
- Crystal Scorpion
- (Direct Angle) Curse-Ender Cronixia
- (Faulty Limbs) Cursed-Frame Mitsuki
- Cutting-Edge Saoirse
- Cygnus, Water Seraph