Almighty Rare, Almighty Rare EX, Legend Rare and Legend Rare EX cards with PWR 41. The AR-Cards can be gifted and traded.
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- (Carried Out) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Chance Upon) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Resplendent Glory) Anxious Maleyha
- (Wholehearted Plea) Anxious Maleyha
- (Blank Title) Archive Curator Remis
- (Empty Pages) Archive Curator Remis
- (New Chapter) Archive Curator Remis
- (Open Covers) Archive Curator Remis
- (Chaos X) Armageddon Ouroboros
- (Dry Wonder) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Gazeworthy) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Idle Froth) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Placid Act) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Shimmering) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Matured Mettle) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Principled Air) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Proper Precept) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Righteous Soul) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Staunch Ethics) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Aerial Order) Atmospheric Hyperion
- (Season Order) Atmospheric Hyperion
- (Chaos X) Avowed Executor Efreet
- (Resurrected) Ayahime & Yatsukahagi
- (Tribal Task) Ayahime & Yatsukahagi
- (Holy Shield) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Lifted Hand) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Pious Merit) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Upheld Hope) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Duo Look) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Scowling) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- Basilisk
- (Aqueous Havoc) Basilisk
- (Burning Havoc) Basilisk
- (Extreme Havoc) Basilisk
- (Growing Havoc) Basilisk
- (Natural Havoc) Basilisk
- (Ungratified) Belstegia the Scholar
- Berry Blaster Lynvera
- (Forest Buzz) Berry Blaster Lynvera
- (Everviolent) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Fatal Blast) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Fiery Blast) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Overexplode) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Power Blast) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Chaos X) Calamity Fang Fenrir
- (Active Watch) Caleniel, Sky Jailer
- (Shrewd Cover) Caleniel, Sky Jailer
- (Aqua Force) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Aqua Guard) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Hardworking) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Pyre Force) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Pyre Guard) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Terra Force) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Terra Guard) Captive Warrior Azena
- (Undeviating) Captive Warrior Azena
- (A. F.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (A. G.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (Diminish) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (P. F.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (P. G.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (Restoral) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (T. F.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (T. G.) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (Blocking) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Excluder) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Impeding) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Stalwart) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Stoppage) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Dauntless Essence) Colonel Ruffine
- (Offensive Mastery) Colonel Ruffine
- Colossus
- (Aqueous Havoc) Colossus
- (Burning Havoc) Colossus
- (Extreme Havoc) Colossus
- (Growing Havoc) Colossus
- (Natural Havoc) Colossus
- Conductive Negarusa
- (Rumblecalling) Conductive Negarusa
- Constrained Lutecia
- (Bracing Winds) Constrained Lutecia
- (Degradation) Corrupted Titanomachy
- (Mad Ravager) Corrupted Titanomachy
- (Aqua Force) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Aqua Guard) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Effective Fix) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Pyre Force) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Pyre Guard) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Terra Force) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Terra Guard) Cruel Medic Saradia
- (Triage Method) Cruel Medic Saradia
- Curse-Spoiled Jolata
- (Rude Rousing) Curse-Spoiled Jolata
- (Aqua Force) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Aqua Guard) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Great Torrent) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Pyre Force) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Pyre Guard) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Terra Force) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Terra Guard) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (Thirsty Arrow) Dam-Smashing Mayser
- (On the Grind) Dark Hunter Selphine
- (Shade Arrows) Dark Hunter Selphine
- (Tense String) Dark Hunter Selphine
- (Work Partner) Dark Hunter Selphine
- (Finish Job) Dawson the Inescapable
- (Kill Count) Dawson the Inescapable
- (Self Bond) Death Crescent Lunacera
- (Self Feud) Death Crescent Lunacera
- (Chaos X) Deathforged Odin
- (Spiteful Order) Delusionist Ramiel
- (Vengeful Order) Delusionist Ramiel
- Denouncing Jeralice
- (Assured Stand) Denouncing Jeralice
- (High Leverage) Denouncing Jeralice
- (Resolute Push) Denouncing Jeralice
- (Valiant Entry) Denouncing Jeralice
- (Wrenching Arm) Denouncing Jeralice
- (Bad Luck) Dragon-Rousing Mariarita
- (Enmeshed) Dragon-Rousing Mariarita
- (Bounds) Dragonblood Hopeful Emilia
- (Duress) Dragonblood Hopeful Emilia
- Drillmaster Jazrale
- (Unholy Ideals) Drillmaster Jazrale
- (A. F.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (A. G.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (Begrudged) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (Despoiled) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (P. F.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (P. G.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (T. F.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (T. G.) Ebony Valkyrie Sangreal
- (Aqua Force) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Aqua Guard) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Certain Gain) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Easy Victory) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Pyre Force) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Pyre Guard) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Terra Force) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- (Terra Guard) Eclipse Rider Arizam
- Enchantress Yotsuba
- (Curving Edges) Enchantress Yotsuba
- (Hateful Edges) Enchantress Yotsuba
- (Hellish Edges) Enchantress Yotsuba
- (Hostile Edges) Enchantress Yotsuba
- Ethera Princess Biswyn
- (Retraction) Ethera Princess Biswyn
- (Aqua Force) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Aqua Guard) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Buoyant Wish) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Pyre Force) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Pyre Guard) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Radiant Mark) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Terra Force) Faithbeacon Theilade
- (Terra Guard) Faithbeacon Theilade
- Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (Real Anguish) Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (Real Conceit) Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (Real Emotion) Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (Real Longing) Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (Real Umbrage) Fanatical Tinkerbell
- (A. F.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (A. G.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (Full Plan) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (P. F.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (P. G.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (Stratagem) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (T. F.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- (T. G.) Farsighted Lancer Yudit
- Fate Seer Mischelle
- (Destiny Drops) Fate Seer Mischelle
- (Fortune Drops) Fate Seer Mischelle
- (Lucid Outcome) Fate Seer Mischelle
- (Outlook Drops) Fate Seer Mischelle
- (Lenient Judgment) Fickle Vampiress
- (Relaxed Position) Fickle Vampiress
- (Unfixed Attitude) Fickle Vampiress
- (Unusual Aptitude) Fickle Vampiress
- (Variable Opinion) Fickle Vampiress
- (Diverting) Fierce Spirits of Night
- (Ghostlike) Fierce Spirits of Night
- (Power Arm) Fierce Spirits of Night
- (Quiet Arm) Fierce Spirits of Night
- (Swift Arm) Fierce Spirits of Night
- (Solar Perch) Firebird Hunter Houyi
- (Solar Pluck) Firebird Hunter Houyi
- (Blood Gem) Fortune Teller Caleisha
- (Grave Gem) Fortune Teller Caleisha
- (Receiving) Fortune Teller Caleisha
- (Spite Gem) Fortune Teller Caleisha
- Gargrion
- (Aqueous Havoc) Gargrion
- (Burning Havoc) Gargrion
- (Extreme Havoc) Gargrion
- (Growing Havoc) Gargrion
- (Natural Havoc) Gargrion
- (Aqua Force) Gaze Mender Sahdrey
- (Aqua Guard) Gaze Mender Sahdrey
- (False Therapy) Gaze Mender Sahdrey
- (Horrible Cure) Gaze Mender Sahdrey
- (Pyre Force) Gaze Mender Sahdrey