Ultra Rare, Ultra Rare EX, Legend Rare and Legend Rare EX cards with PWR 26.
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- (Doctrine) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Explicit) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Faculty) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Firmness) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Tactical) Adelia the Revolutionary
- Aeon Guide Maha Yuga
- (Culmination) Aeon Guide Maha Yuga
- (A. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (A. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Emigration) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Lush Home) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (P. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (P. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (T. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (T. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- Air Commander McDean
- (Feline Sense) Air Commander McDean
- (A. F.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (A. G.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (P. F.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (P. G.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (Self-Ambush) Alice in Mirrorland
- (Supplanting) Alice in Mirrorland
- (T. F.) Alice in Mirrorland
- (T. G.) Alice in Mirrorland
- Altemus of Mirror's Nest
- (Dispense) Altemus of Mirror's Nest
- Alternating Reversa
- (Changeabout) Alternating Reversa
- (Contradiction) Alternating Reversa
- (Counterforce) Alternating Reversa
- (Disengaged) Alternating Reversa
- (Failure's Win) Alternating Reversa
- (Fluctuating) Alternating Reversa
- (Inverting) Alternating Reversa
- (Overturn) Alternating Reversa
- (Powershift) Alternating Reversa
- (Transposing) Alternating Reversa
- Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Clean Slate) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Carnal Spell) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Concupiscent) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Heated Spell) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Impure Spell) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Blest Script) Amulet Goddess Amewl
- Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Joy Cycle) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Joy Foster) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Joy Praise) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Lauded) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- Anti-Lunar Isolde
- (Moonsnaring) Anti-Lunar Isolde
- Anxious Maleyha
- (Aura Shield) Anxious Maleyha
- Apprehensive Talisal
- (Comradeship) Apprehensive Talisal
- (Pristine Regard) Aqua Sphere Petra
- (Purifying Heart) Aqua Sphere Petra
- (Uplifting Sight) Aqua Sphere Petra
- (Flame X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water X) Arbiters of Justice
- Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Converge) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Loveshell) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Lureshell) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Lustshell) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Soulcharm) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Demand) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- Beachside Bunny Lani
- (Softening) Beachside Bunny Lani
- (Forthcoming) Beast's Beloved Belle
- (Uncontrived) Beast's Beloved Belle
- (Undisguised) Beast's Beloved Belle
- (Character) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Eminency) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Hardihood) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Intensity) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Laudation) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Attracter) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Carnality) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Fox Charm) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Hedonism) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Salacious) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- Black Christmas Devil
- (Dark Powder) Black Christmas Devil
- Blindmask Reaper Leirada
- (Seeing) Blindmask Reaper Leirada
- Blood Lord Valahia
- (Perambulant) Blood Lord Valahia
- (Chicanery) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Extortion) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Lifetrade) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (A. F.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (A. G.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (Coquettish) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (Lascivious) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (P. F.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (P. G.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (T. F.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (T. G.) Blue Rose Rusalka
- Bold Knight Herrera
- (Filial Pledge) Bold Knight Herrera
- (Notable Feat) Border-Defying Nasei
- Bounty Savior Danton
- (Maneuvering) Bounty Savior Danton
- Brinette, Forgiving Saint
- (Respite) Brinette, Forgiving Saint
- (Dynamism) Brynhildr, War Maiden
- Bubbly Witch Dawn
- (Bursting Life) Bubbly Witch Dawn
- (Grieving) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Teary Anger) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Vow Action) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Vow Closure) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Vow Defeat) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- Calatona the Unifier
- (Authorize) Calatona the Unifier
- (Convening) Calatona the Unifier
- (Disharmony) Calatona the Unifier
- (Institute) Calatona the Unifier
- (Necessitate) Calatona the Unifier
- (Negotiating) Calatona the Unifier
- (Reformation) Calatona the Unifier
- (Total Bond) Calatona the Unifier
- (Total League) Calatona the Unifier
- (Total Peace) Calatona the Unifier
- (Eerie Levity) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Primp & Doll) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Rowdy Spree) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Running Amok) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Sweet Shower) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Eighth Page) Cay Ruler Segitiga
- (Counter Stream) Ceará, River Naiad
- (Emotional Echo) Ceará, River Naiad
- (Rich Harmonies) Ceará, River Naiad
- (A. F.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (A. G.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (Altruism) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (Colorful) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (P. F.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (P. G.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (T. F.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (T. G.) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (Fantastic Flurry) Cervidaen Sinon
- (Fantastic Gifts) Cervidaen Sinon
- (Fantastic Holiday) Cervidaen Sinon
- (A. F.) Christmas Star Knight
- (A. G.) Christmas Star Knight
- (Fraternize) Christmas Star Knight
- (P. F.) Christmas Star Knight
- (P. G.) Christmas Star Knight
- (Sleighguard) Christmas Star Knight
- (T. F.) Christmas Star Knight
- (T. G.) Christmas Star Knight
- (Climbing) Citadel Messenger Ebelle
- (Overhead) Citadel Messenger Ebelle
- (Top Path) Citadel Messenger Ebelle
- (Assertion) Comiols the Astute
- (Azure Flash) Comiols the Astute
- (Azure Pledge) Comiols the Astute
- (Azure Wings) Comiols the Astute
- (Disenchanted) Comiols the Astute
- (Minding) Concerned Clover Princess
- (Diagnostic) Conscientious Anatomia
- Conserving Phoenica
- (Air Support) Conserving Phoenica
- (Battle Flock) Conserving Phoenica
- (Combat Dress) Conserving Phoenica
- (Coralplume) Conserving Phoenica
- (Grotto Base) Conserving Phoenica
- (Natural Haven) Conserving Phoenica
- (Royalplume) Conserving Phoenica
- (Ruffleplume) Conserving Phoenica
- (Steelplume) Conserving Phoenica
- Cosmos Instructor Curiel
- (Integral) Cosmos Instructor Curiel
- (Autumn Festival) Costumed Elimval
- (Astound) Curious White-Hooded Girl
- (Bloom) Curious White-Hooded Girl
- (Perplex) Curious White-Hooded Girl
- (Startle) Curious White-Hooded Girl
- (Cruel Storm) Cyclonic Schwadenwurm
- (Ebony Storm) Cyclonic Schwadenwurm
- (Fierce Gust) Cyclonic Schwadenwurm
- D'vert of the Nomsabre
- (Notched) D'vert of the Nomsabre
- (Life Source) Daphne the Cultivator
- (Pure Source) Daphne the Cultivator
- (Zeal Source) Daphne the Cultivator
- (Eighth Page) Dark Grove Quartet
- (Exceedance) Dark-Defeating Darmich
- (Grim Light) Dark-Defeating Darmich
- (Hated Duty) Dark-Defeating Darmich
- (Distraught) Darkness-Seized Nalija
- Darkstorm Charger Svatt
- (Fearbrand) Darkstorm Charger Svatt
- Dawson the Inescapable
- (Headtaking) Dawson the Inescapable
- (Gyral Blades) Deadly Dancer Sheena