Ultra Rare and Ultra Rare EX Cards with power 14.
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Jean, Solitude Lost -
Gentle Animal God Marek -
(Defender) Surtr Aflame -
Azazel Prophet -
Sheah the Peacemaker -
Ishtar, War Maiden Scourge -
(Alluring) Graciella the Preserved -
Glimmering Queen of Light
All items (234)
- (Aloof) Edeltraud the Lone King
- (Antinomy) Disobedient Immanuel
- (Ascertained) Sanermal the Lunarian
- (Befouled) Babel, Enemy of Heaven
- (Blinded) Vladlen the Ingenuous
- (Burly) Alvatov, Savage Sovereign
- (Companion) Nostina, Golden Goddess
- (Darklord) King Breithaupt in Black
- (Demonize) Arachnodancer Albina
- (Devoir) Elesio, Born of Crystal
- (Famished) Mystic Hunter Anastasiya
- (Fearful) Christine of the Angels
- (Firebeast) Flaming Werewolf
- (Fissure) Isedd, World Distorter
- (Folklore) Cascading Dragon God
- (Glacial) Frigid Death Jeremias
- (Haze) Black Flame Caller Knight
- (Honorable) Novella the Envoy
- (Icewave) Sedna, Wintry Sea Queen
- (Incensed) Fate Judiciary Adrasteia
- (Insight) Aileen, the Omniscient
- (Kingsblade) Sterling, Off to War
- (Maroon) Mabel of the King's Blades
- (Outcome) Philanderous Prince Egeo
- (Puissant) Macbeth the Indomitable
- (Shimmer) Sparkling Scales Siv
- (Succumb) Demon-Resisting Xenagia
- (Tranquility) Ethereal Bahamut
- (Watchful) Aqua Goddess Grau
- (Wicked Virtue) Moral Demon Rutoi
- (Zen) Iron-Slicing Ronin Saigan
- Advisor of the Legion Faykir
- (Halt) Advisor of the Legion Faykir
- Aileen, the Omniscient
- Alvatov, Savage Sovereign
- Ancient Wizard Sigurd
- (Emotional) Ancient Wizard Sigurd
- Anoss, Avatar of Hell
- (Disarray) Anoss, Avatar of Hell
- Antia, Sacred Marine
- (Aquatrident) Antia, Sacred Marine
- Aqua Goddess Grau
- Arachnodancer Albina
- Archfiend Bradburn
- (Fearsome) Archfiend Bradburn
- Athena, Protector of Order
- (Poise) Athena, Protector of Order
- Awakened Spider Zinadia
- (Inhibit) Awakened Spider Zinadia
- (Absolved) Awoken Spirica
- Azazel Prophet
- (Void) Azazel Prophet
- Dark Shimmering Genius
- (Dark Gash) Dark Shimmering Genius
- (Dark Scar) Dark Shimmering Genius
- Deadly Fortune Elichika
- (Bloodcast) Deadly Fortune Elichika
- Deathbringer Welina
- (Strangling) Deathbringer Welina
- Deathspire Copsia
- (Forbearing) Deathspire Copsia
- Demon-Resisting Xenagia
- Disobedient Immanuel
- Doomsday Djinn Marid
- (Soul Eater) Doomsday Djinn Marid
- Drenick, Ironhorse Swordsman
- (Iron) Drenick, Ironhorse Swordsman
- Iceman, the Ringleader
- (Heartless) Iceman, the Ringleader
- Imprisoned Viluze
- (Mad Birth) Imprisoned Viluze
- Incensed Hasselbach
- (Disoriented) Incensed Hasselbach
- Iron-Slicing Ronin Saigan
- (Flight) Iron-willed Princess Lisa
- Isaac, Prince of Spring
- (Fellows) Isaac, Prince of Spring
- Isedd, World Distorter
- Ishtar, War Maiden Scourge
- (Demon) Ishtar, War Maiden Scourge
- Jahdu, Dark Manslayer
- (Erase) Jahdu, Dark Manslayer
- (Hereditary) Jay, Plagued by Evil
- Jayvel, Loyal Guardian
- (Resurgence) Jayvel, Loyal Guardian
- Jean, Solitude Lost
- (Serve) Jean, Solitude Lost
- Jotun and Frosty Girl
- (Crystal) Jotun and Frosty Girl
- Jugo the Half-God
- (Wingbeat) Jugo the Half-God
- Juno, Guardian of Love
- (Utopia) Juno, Guardian of Love
- Maat, Goddess of Serenity
- (Truth) Maat, Goddess of Serenity
- Mabel of the King's Blades
- Macbeth the Indomitable
- Malius, Vengeful Avatar
- (Umbrage) Malius, Vengeful Avatar
- Marchosias, Hell Archduke
- (Summon) Marchosias, Hell Archduke
- Miracle-showing Parona
- (Godpower) Miracle-showing Parona
- Moral Demon Rutoi
- Murum, Emperor's Offspring
- (Rank) Murum, Emperor's Offspring
- Mystic Hunter Anastasiya
- Radim, Deathly Pale Soul
- (Exploit) Radim, Deathly Pale Soul
- (Levy) Radim, Deathly Pale Soul
- Rassap, Cursed Wood Witch
- (Lapse) Rassap, Cursed Wood Witch
- Render of Darkness Muriel
- Rinka, Rising Warrior
- (Succession) Rinka, Rising Warrior
- Roaring Nidhogg
- (Famished) Roaring Nidhogg
- Rudela, Deacon Radical
- (Unity) Rudela, Deacon Radical