Sards that can be evolved into element of player's choice with the Transcendental Forest Crest, Arcane Water Crest or Menacing Fire Crest
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(Extreme Havoc) Griffon -
(Hard Truth) Heatblade Herald Svega -
(Extreme Havoc) Phoenix -
(Ministrate) Rozanna, Blight Mender -
(Duoguard) Doubly Haunted Faune -
(Fantastic Fable) Inquisitive Alice -
(Extreme Havoc) Minotaur -
(Extreme Havoc) Behemoth
All items (1591)
- (Thanks) A Hero's Festival
- (Absconding) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Distressed) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Mellowing) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Peace Boat) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Sustaining) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Coldeyed) Absolute Zero Evangeline
- (Ill Method) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Harmful Skill) Adaptable Dimeronne
- (Scaly Idol) Adder Princess Amarnah
- (Firmness) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Jostling) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Liabilities) Adept Alchemist Märkl
- (Flawed Lift) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Moral Molt) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Averted) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Disburdened) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Re-Proving) Adrashian the Orphaned
- (Sweet) Adults Clamoring for Sweets
- (Guerrophile) Advachiel of Horizons
- (Emigration) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Pure Hands) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Bridge) Ainas, Unicorn Messenger
- (Muffling Frost) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Icing Over) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Nightclash) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Modest Endeavor) Airy Witch Marny
- (Extreme Havoc) Ajatar
- (Address) Alberich, Taunted by Fate
- (Bypass) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Wakened) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Airborne Path) Ales the Raven King
- (Airborne Rule) Ales the Raven King
- (Winged Allies) Ales the Raven King
- (Supplanting) Alice in Mirrorland
- (Sisterly Will) Alisa, Dragon Witch
- (Exhilarated) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Remedial) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Steered) Allison & the Green Blaze
- (Pure Fondness) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Obscene Influence) Altered Elimval
- (Fluctuating) Alternating Reversa
- (Transposing) Alternating Reversa
- (Horrific) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Needed) Amaria of Holy Blue & Gold
- (Blare) Amaria of Holy Ebon & Pearl
- (Concupiscent) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Divine Guard) Amulet Goddess Amewl
- (Accommodating) Amused Spirana
- (New Assignment) Amused Spirana
- (Result) Amy, Forbidden Fruit Eater
- (Freshening) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Lauded) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Carrion Corps) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Bothered) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Dragonlaurel) Angel of Blessings
- (Seven Cheers) Angel of Blessings
- (Capitulated) Angelia the Reluctant
- (Warding) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Mulling) Anguished General Delfina
- (Overactive) Animating Artist Parma
- (Ironic Fate) Anneli, Smitten Demon
- (Combat Bonds) Annika, Battle Bride
- (Fateful Wedding) Annika, War Bride
- (Struggle On) Anshar, Realm Voyager
- (Illuminating Cheer) Antlered Sinon
- (Open Covers) Archive Curator Remis
- (Battle Ready) Arcturus the Ruined
- (Ridiculing) Arena Girl Jaspearl
- (Orderly Style) Argentmaid Fanamure
- (Countercheck) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Dry Wonder) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Pull Close) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Blastwave) Artillery General Lawry
- (Exerted) Artorius, Holy Sword King
- (Gathering Might) Ascended Adonis
- (Rust-Proof) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Shadowglow) Ashwing Pariah Peneroi
- (Blessed Scars) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Approvement) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Infliction) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Mental Prop) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Dispirit) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Impacted) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Defused) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Intuit) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Relaxed) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Disciplined) Asura-Affronting Veda
- (Crossborder) Asylum Seeker Finelle
- (Toxicant) Atepen, Clever Alchemist
- (Stifle) Athena, Protector of Order
- (Advancing) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Dusk Attack) Atia, Highland Lupine
- (Hostile) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Arcane Shroud) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Budding Evil) Atropa, Flower Lover
- (Touch) Attached Witch of the North
- (Magnetic Links) Attracting Elstela
- (Relegation) Attuning Belgantier
- (Structure) Attuning Belgantier
- (Degeneration) Audacious Cinderella
- (Blazeline) Augustia the Charioteer
- (Rendered) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- (Bumbershoot) Autumn Admirer Jerise
- (Alterative) Autumn Goddess Melinda
- (Recuperate) Autumn Goddess Melinda
- (Carriage) Avian Adherent Romaya
- (Purewarrior) Avian Adherent Romaya
- (Awaited) Darkness-Cleaving Hope
- (Sapping) Awakened Spider Zinadia
- (Absolved) Awoken Spirica
- (Reacquisition) Ax Princess Inahime
- (Holy Battle) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Prison Riot) Axlana the Missionary
- (Fading Glory) Ayano, Bygone Deity
- (Noncompliant) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Executed Oath) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Finishing Blow) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Prepared Lapse) Azure Gust Cheyrou
- (Retroversion) Backtracking Elimval
- (Gods' Favor) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Lifted Hand) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Red Mania) Bandard, Ironwing Thief
- (Ungracious) Barbara, Cruel Empress
- (Soulcharm) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Excite) Barbara, Halloween Empress
- (Seize All) Barbara, Undead Empress
- (Detain) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- (Impose) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- (New Empire) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (Damage) Bardas, Battlefield Slayer
- (Extreme Havoc) Basilisk
- (Aerial Dance) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Full Regalia) Battle Dancer Kotono
- (Precious Lady) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Roasted Corn) Beach Diner Fu-Ling
- (Opulent Sand) Beachside Bunny Lani
- (Silent Resolve) Bead-Hunting Wa'on
- (Proud Raid) Beast Army Lord Esaias
- (Transplantation) Beastone Miladine
- (Dissect) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Charming Fable) Beauty & the Beast
- (Brutal Fable) Beauty Vs. the Beast
- (Prepossessing) Beguiling Spy Leona
- (Extreme Havoc) Behemoth
- (Curious Fable) Bejeweled Alice
- (Paradise Found) Belligerent Charla
- (Corrupting) Belphegor, Corpsesmith
- (Freeflowing) Belstegia the Scholar
- (Intensity) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Snack Attack) Berry, Sucrose Witch
- (Candy Crunch) Berry, Sugar Witch
- (Submerged) Bestialized Ildar
- (Estimate) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Carnality) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Crystal Wall) Bijoul Defender Voce
- (Harborage) Bijoul Defender Voce
- (Magical Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Partner Hunting) Bird Rider Rowena
- (Hostility) Black Valkyrie Sangreal
- (Hostile Terror) Blade-Cursed Maina
- (Trueslay) Blessed Blade Dilazareth
- (Giver) Blizzard Fighter Modesto
- (Vehement Outburst) Bloodblade Riki
- (Savage Sway) Bloodboiling Cocobrad
- (Thorndaggers) Bloodfrond Seralotte
- (Merry Carnage) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Smashed Field) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Strewed Death) Bloodrose Ile Rouge
- (Impertinent) Bloodwing Gillel
- (Presumed Purity) Bloodwing Gillel
- (Imbrued) Bloody Black-Hooded Girl
- (Opened Blossom) Blooming Frey Rose
- (Lascivious) Blue Rose Rusalka
- (Cryptid Engager) Blue-Eyed Ayzmarl
- (Maintaining) Bold Ice Prince Aegir
- (Fortunate) Bonds of Protection
- (Longed Return) Bonds of Protection
- (Smirk) Boreas of the Northern Wind
- (Overexplode) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Uncherubic) Brackish Lake Chironex
- (Double Offensive) Brea the Untamed
- (Pull Through) Brea the Untamed
- (Feigned Pretense) Bridal Veil Uni
- (Tactics) Brilliantly Shining Sun
- (Axe & Fang) Brute Queen Felicitas
- (Rampageous) Brynhildr, War Maiden
- (Exultant) Brynhildr, War Princess
- (Violet Flame) Burning Archer Runoa
- (Fanciful Fable) Burning Match Girl
- (Swamped) Busy Emidio