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- (Deep Merit) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Freshening) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Glad Merit) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Keen Merit) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Blessed Agony) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Grief) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Scars) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Spite) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Aqua Force) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Aqua Guard) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Arcane Shroud) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Pyre Force) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Pyre Guard) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Terra Force) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Terra Guard) Atlas' Medium Azaes
- (Another Path) Backtracking Elimval
- (Averted Fate) Backtracking Elimval
- (Later Chance) Backtracking Elimval
- (Retroversion) Backtracking Elimval
- (Enragement) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (Aerial Dance) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (High Jubilee) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Levity Aloft) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Midair Mirth) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Accomplishing) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Grasped Dream) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Precious Lady) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Self-Standing) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Ardent Fable) Beauty Vs. the Beast
- (Brutal Fable) Beauty Vs. the Beast
- (Moving Fable) Beauty Vs. the Beast
- (Curbing Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Foiling Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Magical Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Masking Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Double Bloodshed) Brea the Untamed
- (Double Offensive) Brea the Untamed
- (Double Onslaught) Brea the Untamed
- (Double Ruination) Brea the Untamed
- (Assured Valor) Capturing Lenaphine
- (Exorcism Ring) Capturing Lenaphine
- (Fateful Snare) Capturing Lenaphine
- (Mutual Defeat) Capturing Lenaphine
- (Benumb) Charged Witch of the North
- (Clinch) Charged Witch of the North
- (Energy) Charged Witch of the North
- (Output) Charged Witch of the North
- (Carefree Deeds) Cloud Queen Lovisa
- (Silken Reality) Cloud Queen Lovisa
- (Stormy Advance) Cloud Queen Lovisa
- (Sudden Triumph) Cloud Queen Lovisa
- (Bright Cluster) Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Choice Display) Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Stellar Marvel) Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Wondrous Event) Comet Seeker Marcy
- (Dreadful Ears) Concluding Erphonne
- (Eventful Ears) Concluding Erphonne
- (Fanning Spite) Concluding Erphonne
- (Grievous Ears) Concluding Erphonne
- (Orange Chaperon) Conjuring Palmera
- (Orange Defender) Conjuring Palmera
- (Orange Guardian) Conjuring Palmera
- (Orange Security) Conjuring Palmera
- (Insensible) Dark Justice Angustias
- (Noble Sins) Dark Justice Angustias
- (Uncultured) Dark Justice Angustias
- (Undirected) Dark Justice Angustias
- (Wise Principle) Diogenes the Cynic
- (Blatant Exception) Doom-Barred Koo
- (Inflexible Clause) Doom-Barred Koo
- (Lifetime Partner) Doom-Barred Koo
- (Stipulated Length) Doom-Barred Koo
- (Able Pair) Dragon Handling Heroine
- (Alongside) Dragon Handling Heroine
- (Effective) Dragon Handling Heroine
- (Warfriend) Dragon Handling Heroine
- (Belief) Dragon Successor Marigaldi
- (Insane Burden) Drakesaber Hyneshka
- (Deep Battle) Dream-Fighting Rooney
- (Sleepcombat) Dream-Fighting Rooney
- (Sleepmaster) Dream-Fighting Rooney
- (Sleepvictor) Dream-Fighting Rooney
- (Hard Proof) Heatblade Herald Svega
- (Hard Truth) Heatblade Herald Svega
- (Impervious) Heatblade Herald Svega
- (Protesting) Heatblade Herald Svega
- (Remarkable) Heatblade Herald Svega
- (Evil-Crushing) Heavy Slayer Galeth
- (Scale-Slicing) Heavy Slayer Galeth
- (Skull-Cutting) Heavy Slayer Galeth
- (Wing-Severing) Heavy Slayer Galeth
- (Mortal Disruption) Madnight Rejina
- (Chatty) Marjorie & the Sage's Brim
- (Feisty) Marjorie & the Sage's Brim
- (Snappy) Marjorie & the Sage's Brim
- (Snarly) Marjorie & the Sage's Brim
- (Benignity) Martina at the Festival
- (Holly Tune) Melodist Lillie Vallie
- (Jolly Tune) Melodist Lillie Vallie
- (Merry Tune) Melodist Lillie Vallie
- (Sweet Tune) Melodist Lillie Vallie
- (Discolored) Oblivion Keeper Kuflad
- (Adamant Beliefs) Opposing Creators
- (Heated Emotions) Opposing Creators
- (Immovable Minds) Opposing Creators
- (Rooted Doctrine) Opposing Creators
- (Bold Reflection) Outpouring Byakui
- (Embodied Esteem) Outpouring Byakui
- (Soundless Gleam) Outpouring Byakui
- (Splendid Luster) Outpouring Byakui
- (Fresh Concert) Reblossomer Elimval
- (Instrumental) Reblossomer Elimval
- (Misty Recital) Reblossomer Elimval
- (Renewing Tune) Reblossomer Elimval
- (Bewitching Violet) Refined Shion
- (Everlasting Violet) Refined Shion
- (Pervasive Violet) Refined Shion
- (Unremitting Violet) Refined Shion
- (Colossal Evil) Regenerated Ildanev
- (Accepted Plea) Rescuing Belgantier
- (Rebuilt Roots) Rescuing Belgantier
- (Warmed Roots) Rescuing Belgantier
- (Watered Roots) Rescuing Belgantier
- (Contrasting Self) Reversed Ceralie
- (Realizing Horror) Reversed Ceralie
- (Rising Potential) Reversed Ceralie
- (Traumatic Blight) Reversed Ceralie
- (Glowing Wave) Riki, Realm Defender
- (Lucent Surge) Riki, Realm Defender
- (Shining Flow) Riki, Realm Defender
- (Sterling Ray) Riki, Realm Defender
- (Airy Rally) Rooney, Gazing Skyward
- (Genial Act) Rooney, Gazing Skyward
- (High Union) Rooney, Gazing Skyward
- (Relieflink) Rooney, Gazing Skyward
- (Aggressive Whisper) Rousing Ishtar
- (Goaded Cooperation) Rousing Ishtar
- (Oppressive Freedom) Rousing Ishtar
- (Redoubtable Threat) Rousing Ishtar
- (Clasped Talent) Rozanna the Healer
- (Eight Eyes) Saleighson the Eminent
- (Life-Dissipating) Sevenhex Izalafa
- (Submersion) Shade-Lounging Velfena
- (Vehement Collision) Shielding Fudo
- (Groping Quest) Shineseeker Liphany
- (Held Promise) Shineseeker Liphany
- (Regained Part) Shineseeker Liphany
- (Relieved Mind) Shineseeker Liphany
- (Disintegration) Silent Bride Loyda
- (Exposed Intent) Silent Bride Loyda
- (Thorough Labor) Silent Bride Loyda
- (Uprooting Edge) Silent Bride Loyda
- (Ivory Plumage) Spite-Purging Calaf
- (Joyous Stride) Spite-Purging Calaf
- (Lofty Display) Spite-Purging Calaf
- (Refined Glide) Spite-Purging Calaf
- (Astroviewing) Starlit White Rabbit
- (Galactigazer) Starlit White Rabbit
- (Serene Vista) Starlit White Rabbit
- (Soaring Seat) Starlit White Rabbit
- (Flame IX) Storm Archer Salvador
- (Flame V) Storm Archer Salvador
- (Flame VI) Storm Archer Salvador
- (Flame VII) Storm Archer Salvador