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All items (1040)
- Aberrant Vendidad
- (Calling Prowess) Aberrant Vendidad
- (Agitato) Abject Violinist Beytrand
- (Drastic) Abject Violinist Beytrand
- Absolute Dragon Lutiya
- (Landshaker) Absolute Dragon Lutiya
- (Avoidant) Absolute Zero Evangeline
- (Splitting) Abyss Drake Ginnungagap
- (Malcontent) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Glowing Guile) Adaptable Dimeronne
- Addicted Lady Rhide
- (Tainted Cloud) Addicted Lady Rhide
- (Defenseless) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Bold Action) Agastoni the Awakener
- (Root Matter) Agastoni the Awakener
- (Given Feat) Agatz the Undefeatable
- (Propensity) Agatz the Undefeatable
- (Gaia Nurse) Agria, Nature's Mender
- Ahi, Ruiner of Paradise
- (Dark Gale) Ahi, Ruiner of Paradise
- (Standstill) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Predominance) Air Commander McDean
- (Spiral Shift) Air Commander McDean
- (Debacle) Alberich, Taunted by Fate
- Alcina, Scorch Essence
- (Unresolved) Alcina, Scorch Essence
- (Noble Bloom) Aleppen, Garden Queen
- All-Entangling Arachna
- (Simulate) Altemus of Mirror's Nest
- (Chance Upon) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Razor Sharp) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Ninth Page) Amulet Goddess Amewl
- Amused Spirana
- (Awaked) Amy, Forbidden Fruit Eater
- (Exhuming Souls) Anfisa of the Dark
- Angel Examiner Raël
- (Seven Favors) Angel of Blessings
- (Grim Wedlock) Annika, Battle Bride
- Apprehensive Talisal
- (Frank Stance) Apprehensive Talisal
- Aquaphobic Sprite Fay
- (Sky-Longing) Arael, Grounded Angel
- Archive Curator Remis
- (Foul Grandeur) Arcturus the Ruined
- Argent Queen Roche
- (Pivotal Gain) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Gunpowder) Artillery General Lawry
- Asherah the Comforter
- (Rummage Out) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- Ashwing Pariah Peneroi
- (Assembled) Asnadjia, Sword Prodigy
- (Retention) Asnadjia, Sword Prodigy
- Assuaging Milianaza
- (Remedial Rest) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Consultancy) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Envision) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Bright Model) Astral Knight Navara
- (Rising Valor) Astral Knight Navara
- Astrogazer Shamala
- Asylum Seeker Finelle
- (Iconic) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- Atson, Jeweler Sprite
- Attending Akame
- (Decompress) Audacious Cinderella
- (Firetrail) Augustia the Charioteer
- (Airlight) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- Authoritative Ba'al
- (Ruling Fervor) Authoritative Ba'al
- (Stake) Automata Zealot Marina Lina
- Avenging Sigmundr
- (Purefeather) Avian Adherent Romaya
- Axlana the Missionary
- (Aerial Watcher) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Marvelous View) Azure Gust Cheyrou
- Backlands Thief Mayaska
- (Cooled Pond) Bajiria, Oasis Fencer
- (Reverential) Balha, Penitent Demon
- Bane, Netherworld Guide
- (Misinform) Bane, Netherworld Guide
- Barbara, Cruel Empress
- (Statuesque) Barbara, Cruel Empress
- (Imposed) Barbara, Ultimate Empress
- (Rugged) Bardas, Battlefield Slayer
- Bat Princess Cuvilla
- Battle Chef Panjar
- Beach Diner Fu-Ling
- (Lucid Waters) Beachside Bunny Lani
- (Profound Focus) Bead-Hunting Wa'on
- (Precedence) Beast Army Lord Esaias
- (Heartfeeling) Beast Chaperon Tirsa
- (Greater) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Surveillance) Beautiful Spy Errona
- (Vital Facade) Beautiful Spy Errona
- (Tongue Swayer) Beguiling Spy Leona
- Beliel, Prince of Chaos
- Belligerent Charla
- Beseiging Chikage
- (Unsettle) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Hard Shield) Bijoul Prince Bringar
- (Solid Cover) Bijoul Prince Bringar
- Bitter Marquess Procel
- (Extorted Binge) Blackwing Cadeline
- (Looming Murder) Blackwing Cadeline
- (Vicious Desire) Blackwing Cadeline
- (Powerful Piety) Blade Saint Sharni
- (Righteous Will) Blade Saint Sharni
- (Strange Menace) Blade-Cursed Maina
- Blade-Subduer Gaidaros
- (Holyedge) Blessed Blade Dilazareth
- (Noble Service) Blind Saint Derleth
- (Virtuous Mind) Blind Saint Derleth
- Blood Dragoon Zanaila
- (Arrogant Butcher) Bloodwing Gillel
- (Slighting) Bloody Summoner Chedrin
- (Textsearch) Book Discoverer Resena
- (Dusty Covers) Book Hunter Resena
- (Sheer Sheen) Brave Beauty Mariposa
- (Beastly Sidekick) Brea the Untamed
- Breezy Lass Midori
- (Demerit) Brinette, Forgiving Saint
- (Storage) Brinette, Forgiving Saint
- Burning Archer Runoa
- (Piousness) Burning Priest Lonstein
- (Undertake) Burning Priest Lonstein
- Capricious Dáinsleif
- (Coqueta) Carmen, Pícara del Amor
- (Butcherly) Cassios the Executioner
- (Minacious) Cassios the Executioner
- (Restless Nature) Cat Burglar Nera
- (Scrutiny) Cataclysmic Lancer Naomi
- (Spotless) Cataclysmic Lancer Naomi
- Cave Hare Miramise
- (Dimmed Outlook) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Emotional Echo) Ceará, River Naiad
- (Gentle Current) Ceará, River Naiad
- (Rich Harmonies) Ceará, River Naiad
- (Fancied Activity) Celestial Romana
- (Sacrificial) Celica, Denying Death
- (Stellagem) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (Fantastic Flurry) Cervidaen Sinon
- (Fantastic Gifts) Cervidaen Sinon
- (Prospect Stake) Chainblade Yunalee
- (Steel Relation) Chainblade Yunalee
- Chaos Deity Ziogre
- Charm Chemist Ashera
- Cheery Prioress Reese
- Chelsea, Bleak Feline
- (Angelic Partners) Chesed & Netzach
- (Donating) Christmas Commander Kris
- (Wrapped) Christmas Commander Kris
- (Idle Mainspring) Chronowork Milja
- (Repression) Chus, Steel War Puppet
- (Rare Calm) Cinemage, Wings of Fate
- (Reminding) Cinemage, Wings of Fate
- (Secure Grip) Clinging Briar Samara
- (Unkind Whip) Clinging Briar Samara
- Colossal Daidarabotchi
- (Array) Combat Instructor Garludael
- (Class) Combat Instructor Garludael
- Compass Deity Asral
- (Convulsion) Conservationist Legane
- (Mobilizing) Conservationist Legane
- Constrained Lutecia
- (Passionless) Course Keeper Le Guin
- (Secret Spell) Crafty Billie-Kattel
- (Charitable Act) Crane-Enamored Oni
- (Courteous Deed) Crane-Enamored Oni
- (Mass Trial) Creation Judge Argenti
- (Calm Sensing) Croc Hunter Olgarusa
- Crowned Nelcheska
- (Chance Occasion) Crowned Nelcheska
- (Triage Method) Cruel Medic Saradia
- Cryptid Healer Lajosna
- Cryptidblade Granya
- (Unanticipated) Cryptidblade Granya
- (Snow Follies) Crystal Mage Snowla
- Crystalskin Hasra
- Curse-Ender Cronixia
- (Pretension) Curse-Fighting Kirimey
- Curse-Proof Latipa
- (Unsure Ability) Curse-Proof Latipa
- Curse-Spoiled Jolata
- (Perfect Size) Cybil & Doom's Dress
- (Ebony Storm) Cyclonic Schwadenwurm
- (Fierce Gust) Cyclonic Schwadenwurm
- (Tranquilized) Cygnus Paladin Relva
- Cylen, Cursed Violinist
- (Ill Elegy) Cylen, Cursed Violinist
- (Galanty) Dame of Shadows Annamona
- Daring Leader Kurenai
- (Ninth Page) Dark Grove Quartet
- (Ideal Task) Dark Inquisitor Kiriel
- (Tense Lash) Dark Inquisitor Kiriel
- (Grim Light) Dark-Defeating Darmich
- (Hated Duty) Dark-Defeating Darmich
- Darkstorm Charger Svatt
- (Traumatic) Darkstorm Charger Svatt
- Darwali, Rueful End
- (Hard Struggle) Darwali, Rueful End