In the Forest, there are those who combine fierceness with the mystical power to breathe new lives to beings. Any visitors to this awe-inspiring forest will be thrown to their despair.
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All items (7863)
- (Abduct) Oscar, Encountering Evil
- (Abide) Merrilica the Votaress
- (Abominable) Unchained Mardonius
- (Adamant) Jewel Helmer Hnoss
- (Adept) Festering Blood Duchess
- (Aegis) Path Guard Namarrgon
- (Affectionate) Faithful Graham
- (Ailment) Rampant Chiroptezar
- (Allure) Menthe, Celestial Beauty
- (Ambushing) Shadowblade Hinatsuki
- (Amphibian) Elefrog Kyoroko
- (Anger) Imprisoned Battle Dragon
- (Anguish) Dahaka, Doom Bringer
- (Aristocrat) Pumpkin Gentleman
- (Army) Volteka, Fire City Demon
- (Artificial) Leading Android
- (Artistic) Descriptive Lady Pirium
- (Ascetic) Furcas the Wise
- (Ashgray) Ashley, Sterling Fairy
- (Aspire) Dragon of Entangling Earth
- (Assimilated) Demon-Fused Karozo
- (Attachment) Sunward Marca
- (Authority) Sky Tower King Kyösti
- (Avalon) Sword of Kings, Excalibur
- (Avenge) Fear-Praising Tribal Chief
- (Averting) Red-eyed Relaoh Tiger
- (Aware) Newborn Egg Monster
- (Axehead) Mute Berserker Ogma
- (Balance) Anael, Ruler of Venus
- (Bandaged) Traumatized Marle
- (Beast Companion) Savage Ansalize
- (Beautified) Běla of the Great Clan
- (Beauty) Journeying Sascha
- (Beguile) Meredith, Hell's Siren
- (Bellicose) Rebellious Musketeers
- (Benevolent) Love Lorn Daryl
- (Bestow) Virtuous Bishop Myriel
- (Bestowal) Mirjana, Light Princess
- (Betrayer) Selfish Jacques Michel
- (Bewitching) Dryad Creator
- (Binging) Greedy Polmos Dwarf
- (Blackheart) Icerya, Infernal Angel
- (Blackshroud) Demagogue Mariangeles
- (Blanched) Storm Empress Avril
- (Blessed) Gallant Squire of Light
- (Blindness) Nightwalker Orc
- (Blood Pact) Wolf King Ranbart
- (Bloodwar) Ivoks, Gateway Destroyer
- (Blossom) Forest Eminence Sylvain
- (Bond) Little Melo & Big Meldt
- (Bonding) Dragon, Born to Rise
- (Bonding) Secrets with the Dragon
- (Bonds) Milla, Ruins Sovereign
- (Bounty) Haagenti, Highlord of Hell
- (Branch) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Bridle) Diplopoda Hitching Siedah
- (Bud) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Bullseye) Fortune Maker Cupid
- (Butchering) Bloodthirsty Zammed
- (Calling) Unknown Prodigy Sorja
- (Canis) Soul Consuming Beast
- (Capturing) Murderous Rose Demon
- (Caregiver) Dark Servant Émilienne
- (Chain) Grance the Traitor King
- (Change) Crest-covered Giuditta
- (Charged) Render of Darkness Muriel
- (Charging) Graveyard Dullahan
- (Cleanse) Green Oceanic Banquet
- (Close) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Closure) Wrathful King Hartmut
- (Collapse) Disruptive Draconian
- (Communion) Peaceful Saint Patrick
- (Competition) Wind God's Presence
- (Concatenated) Black-Winged Angel
- (Conceit) Ascentia, Weighing Honor
- (Conceive) Tome Deciphering Blau
- (Conclusion) Indecisive Dag
- (Condemn) Styx, Witch of Truth
- (Conflicted) Lotesha, Stony Witch
- (Contrarian) Two-Faced Queen Riola
- (Convey) Memories of Green Seas
- (Courage) Permafrost Berserk
- (Courteous) Alice & Gilberte
- (Crash) Stone Tower Watchman
- (Crazed) Maddux the Insane
- (Cruelty) Lodus, Seeker of Purity
- (Crying) Newborn Drakeling
- (Cyclic) Dinorider Scout
- (Darklord) King Breithaupt in Black
- (Darkwind) Tarmo, Stormy Half-breed
- (Dashing) Virtuous Knight Galahad
- (Dazed) Lost Boy Chester
- (Dead) Bacchus, Proud Demon Soldier
- (Dealing) Magic Shop Owner Graciel
- (Death Arts) Great Matron Waltraud
- (Defect) Helya, Carnage Incarnate
- (Defender) Bors, the Black Knight
- (Demon Fox) Chaos Ninetail
- (Deter) Poisonous Protector Aloysia
- (Determined) Ian at the Forefront
- (Deviant) Vimr, Revolting Soldier
- (Dictate) Sadistic Lover Rose Queen
- (Dirk) Wonderland Spade General
- (Discomfort) Death God Underling
- (Disperse) Beloved Snow Woman Melo
- (Disposed) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Dogfighter) Sky Warrior Aksana
- (Doomcall) Omegal, Dullahan King
- (Downcast) Blood-splattered Maiju
- (Downfall) Loki, Prominent Deviant
- (Dragonblood) Bianca, Dragonborn
- (Dragonleg) Leaping Merc Christhard
- (Dreadful) Edge, Insolent Plunderer
- (Dubious) Brooding Foras
- (Dust) Hellflame-born Fiend
- (Earthpower) Terrifying Behemoth
- (Echoic) Zoe, Glistening Sprite
- (Edgerain) Bladekeeper Virve
- (Electrifying) Thunderflame Zilant
- (Element) Kozzelo of True Gold
- (Encouraging) Crew's Diva Carla
- (Endowment) Velgo, Unique Summoner
- (Enduring) Sealed Dark Sage Ilyial
- (Enforcing) Orodin the Overseer
- (Enigmatic) Lorentz the Ultimate
- (Enthroned) Oona, Beast-Raised Elf
- (Erratic) Hellish Captain Zed
- (Evil Eye) Betrayer Sariel
- (Exceptional) Dunia, Storm Defender
- (Exterminating) Steel Killer Sachez
- (Extremity) Yggdrasil Dryad Queen
- (Fabricate) Augmented Reality Giant
- (Fade) Atlas' Priestess Azaes
- (Famished) Mystic Hunter Anastasiya
- (Fanatical) Ares, God of War
- (Fantastic) Wonderland Wind-Up Wolf
- (Fated Meeting) Ushiwaka & Benkei
- (Fencer) Kasio, Rich Bounty Hunter
- (Fervent) Smoldering Nidhogg
- (Fiery) Sugaar, Black Wing Ruiner
- (Fight) Grove Disciple Green Gully
- (Filthy) Treacherous Liar Druj Nasu
- (Fixated) Power Hungry Medusa
- (Flee) Craven Nahkhiir
- (Flesh) Life Draining Parasite
- (Foliage) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Foraging) Ice Huntress Floriana
- (Foresight) Fate Defying Laocoonte
- (Forested) Plant Queen Courtria
- (Forsaken) Thicket Goliath
- (Free) Lithobana, Bound by Beauty
- (Freed) Perfected Battle Dragon
- (Freshblood) Vanguard Headhunter
- (Friends) Genie's Partner Aladdin
- (Furious) Imprisoned Battle Dragon
- (Furtive) Sinful Cleric Aramis
- (Future) Skuld, Radiant Conveyer
- (Gentle) Demon Fabricator Nirehze
- (Germ) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Glacial) Frigid Death Jeremias
- (Gluttony) Omega Wyrm Fiamma
- (Gracious) Planet Bearing Entellous
- (Grateful) Chatting Melo & Meldt
- (Grin) Illucius, Emotional Assassin
- (Grit) Luis the Daring Detective
- (Grow Rampant) Hunting Mandragora
- (Gunplay) Harmonious Shooter Aiola
- (Gyre) Florenzia, Currents Angel
- (Hardy) Persistent Alberto
- (Harmony) Ebbing Harpy
- (Haughty) Disgraced Clover King
- (Hawkeyed) Woodland Princess Kirsti
- (Heartbeat) Fur-Embraced Sonja
- (Heavens) Moon Healing Spirit
- (Herospirit) Soulflame-Clad Tina
- (Hewn) Des'teht, Fortunate Soldier
- (Hidden) Plunderwitch Orifous
- (Highborn) Earl of the Spectres
- (Hoarding) Crooked Ocean Goblin
- (Holy Fang) Omega Wyrm Fiamma
- (Holy) Sword of Hope, Aroundight
- (Howl) Rexx the Winged Lion
- (Howling) Awakened Armored Dragon
- (Huntress) Silvia, Divine Nymph
- (Hypothermia) Icy Maiden Isla
- (Icestorm) Freezing Gale
- (Icy) Vivinia, Wintry Wind Spirit
- (Ideal) Shrouded Soldiers of Death
- (Illogical) Reckless General Sonam
- (Immovable) Holy Gatekeeper Hugoh
- (Impassioned) Jungle Tyrant Zhak
- (Impenetrable) Crag Dragon
- (Implord) Rakshasa
- (Imprison) Imprisoned Battle Dragon
- (Impromptu) Nosferatu of Distortion
- (Improper) Tio of Taboo Desires
- (In Flight) Ordained Augusto
- (Incarnate) Abandoned Memecoleous
- (Incensed) Fate Judiciary Adrasteia
- (Incomprehensible) Berserk Chimaera