Female Cryptids.
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- (Abide) Merrilica the Votaress
- (Abnegation) Moral Nun Lionne
- (Abyss) Mors, Goddess of Death
- (Acceded) Leader of Masses Marianne
- (Achievement) Expectant Drescher
- (Acute) Ravine Shaman Dam
- (Adamant) Jewel Helmer Hnoss
- (Adept) Festering Blood Duchess
- (Aether) Arianrhod, Guiding Arcane
- (Afterglow) Guarded Daughter Arieya
- (Ageless) Oasis Source Selona
- (Agent) Soul Sacrificer Sisygambis
- (Allure) Magic-beguiled Casilda
- (Allure) Menthe, Celestial Beauty
- (Alone) Cynthia of the Winter Skies
- (Alpine) Meity, Frostridge Princess
- (Ambushing) Shadowblade Hinatsuki
- (Amoris) Leopard Descendant Zarina
- (Amphibian) Elefrog Kyoroko
- (Apathetic) Fedora, Death Façade
- (Artistic) Descriptive Lady Pirium
- (Ascertained) Sanermal the Lunarian
- (Ashgray) Ashley, Sterling Fairy
- (Assets) Juliet's Greedy Mother
- (Atone) Obsidian Battle Maiden
- (Attachment) Sunward Marca
- (Avast) Marill, Purger of Pirates
- (Aviator) Cassandre the Dragonrider
- (Avid) Hannah, Exemplifying Loyalty
- (Bandaged) Traumatized Marle
- (Barter) Iniere, Vampire Magician
- (Batter) Demon King's Captive Marie
- (Beaming) Iron General Seras
- (Beast Companion) Savage Ansalize
- (Beautified) Běla of the Great Clan
- (Beckon) Lune, Spellbound Medium
- (Beguile) Meredith, Hell's Siren
- (Bestowal) Mirjana, Light Princess
- (Bestowing) Fiora of Cursed Blades
- (Bewilderment) Melancholy Undine
- (Bewitching) Dryad Creator
- (Blanched) Storm Empress Avril
- (Blessed) Gallant Squire of Light
- (Blighted) Sandra, Deformed Angel
- (Blindshot) Weslin, Magic Shooter
- (Bliss) Madeleine the Human Watcher
- (Bloodfest) Yolanda, Gruesome Host
- (Bloomed) Flower Maiden Rujena
- (Blossom) Forest Eminence Sylvain
- (Bond) Little Melo & Big Meldt
- (Bonds) Milla, Ruins Sovereign
- (Branch) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Bridle) Diplopoda Hitching Siedah
- (Bud) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Butchering) Bloodthirsty Zammed
- (Butterfly) Phosphorescent Josefin
- (Calling) Unknown Prodigy Sorja
- (Candid) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Candidate) Poor Duchess Iseria
- (Captivation) Reminiscing Drescher
- (Caregiver) Dark Servant Émilienne
- (Chance) Tenacious Dark Sorceress
- (Change) Crest-covered Giuditta
- (Chanting) Duststorm Caller Liliana
- (Charged) Render of Darkness Muriel
- (Cheer) Undersea Gladiatrix
- (Childheart) Adopted Princess
- (Cleanse) Green Oceanic Banquet
- (Cleanse) Ruby Oceanic Banquet
- (Cleanse) Sacred Oceanic Banquet
- (Cleanse) Teal Ocean Banquet
- (Cleanse) Teal Oceanic Banquet
- (Close) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Combative) Rebellious Ulalia
- (Combo) Lizora and the Azure Beast
- (Companion) Nostina, Golden Goddess
- (Concatenated) Black-Winged Angel
- (Conceit) Ascentia, Weighing Honor
- (Condemn) Styx, Witch of Truth
- (Confessing) Flirtatious Lilim
- (Confined) Garnalla, Free Prisoner
- (Conflicted) Lotesha, Stony Witch
- (Congregating) Fated Guardian Angel
- (Conjure) Shadow Shaman Shemekia
- (Containing) Animus, Spirit Vessel
- (Contrarian) Two-Faced Queen Riola
- (Control) Silver Mermaid Rhiahan
- (Convey) Memories of Green Seas
- (Convey) Memories of Ruby Seas
- (Convey) Memories of Teal Seas
- (Convey) Memories of the Sea
- (Convoy) Schalit, Brightheart
- (Cost) Celine the Frozen Princess
- (Crackshot) Gun Goddess Anne
- (Credibility) Mika of the Non-World
- (Creed) Sanctified Sword Attendant
- (Crew) Drescher, Treasure Master
- (Criminal) Reile, Sworn Defender
- (Crucifix) Divine Invoker Reticula
- (Crux) Strong-Minded Emigdia
- (Culture) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Cultured) Hel, Party Commander
- (Cyclic) Dinorider Scout
- (Dance) Chivalrous Thieving Nympha
- (Dealing) Magic Shop Owner Graciel
- (Death Arts) Great Matron Waltraud
- (Death Lotus) Maribel, Dancing Mad
- (Deathscribe) Eliora the Starseer
- (Defiant) Beleaguered Constance
- (Demonize) Arachnodancer Albina
- (Deserted) Melfon, Dragon's Captive
- (Despairing) Keilla, Breeze Goddess
- (Desperation) Joelyne the Reviver
- (Destiny) Samsara the Everlasting
- (Deter) Poisonous Protector Aloysia
- (Dictate) Sadistic Lover Rose Queen
- (Diligent) Minmi, House Faerie
- (Discern) Devi, Clairvoyant Brigand
- (Disciplining) Dark Jailer Aleida
- (Disinterested) Capricious Circe
- (Disowning) Blood-Blossom Noelia
- (Disperse) Beloved Snow Woman Melo
- (Disposed) Bloody Goddess Aldairmi
- (Doting) Fragile Love Gynoid
- (Downcast) Blood-splattered Maiju
- (Dragonblood) Bianca, Dragonborn
- (Drowned) Voidtide Elf
- (Dry Throat) Burning Sands Celesta
- (Dutiful) Intricate Hell Spy Fides
- (Duty) Musketeer Hopeful d'Artagnan
- (Ebbing Flow) Adeus, Divine Sylph
- (Echoic) Zoe, Glistening Sprite
- (Edgerain) Bladekeeper Virve
- (Element) Kozzelo of True Gold
- (Emigrant) Normad Sorceress Margery
- (Encouraging) Crew's Diva Carla
- (Encroach) Darkwolf Witch Mynoghra
- (End Fate) Adrashian the Orphaned
- (Endangered) Incalnita the Glirha
- (Enduring) Sealed Dark Sage Ilyial
- (Engrossed) Fame Seeker Lenaelle
- (Enslaved) Claire, Wyvern Knight
- (Enslaving) Beast Master Astrid
- (Enthroned) Oona, Beast-Raised Elf
- (Eradicating) Murderous Margitta
- (Espial) Hera, Deity of Love
- (Ethic) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Eulogia) Hols Protecting Archangel
- (Everlasting) Citadel Watcher Trudr
- (Exalted) Odin, Overflowing Goddess
- (Exceptional) Dunia, Storm Defender
- (Exiling) Kikyo, Young Banisher
- (Explosive) Zera, Artillery Goddess
- (Extraneous) Violette, Hades Guard
- (Extreme) Tiamat of Malefic Tyranny
- (Extremity) Yggdrasil Dryad Queen
- (Facing Death) Glencia, War Maiden
- (Fade) Atlas' Priestess Azaes
- (Fair) Glinda, Witch of the South
- (Famished) Mystic Hunter Anastasiya
- (Fascinating) Heart Stealer Helen
- (Fatal) Vepar, Governess of Disease
- (Fate) Abiding Princess Almeyda
- (Fearful) Christine of the Angels
- (Feast) Party Thrower Succubus
- (Fiend) Succubus Twin Blazena
- (Fiend) Succubus Twin Bovina
- (Filthy) Treacherous Liar Druj Nasu
- (Firedrake) Blade Bearer Hilde
- (Fixated) Power Hungry Medusa
- (Fixed Gaze) Vibrant-Winged Risa
- (Flameforged) Hellfire Helmwige
- (Flare) Flitting Firelight Fernanda
- (Fleeting) Dancing Ashrays
- (Flexible) Lenoel, Converted Seraph
- (Floraform) Eris, Blossom Maiden
- (Flutter) Dream-Dwelling Girl
- (Foliage) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Foraging) Ice Huntress Floriana
- (Forested) Plant Queen Courtria
- (Fortitude) Dune Thief Amelia
- (Free) Lithobana, Bound by Beauty
- (Freeze) Gynoid, Blizzard Conjurer
- (Freshblood) Vanguard Headhunter
- (Frozen) Sentinel Snow Empress
- (Furtive) Sinful Cleric Aramis
- (Future) Skuld, Radiant Conveyer
- (Galactic) Andromeda the Martyr
- (Garnered) Holy Fencer Selma
- (Gatherer) Snooping City Fairy
- (Germ) Sylvain of Jade Woodlands
- (Gluttony) Omega Wyrm Fiamma
- (Godspeed) Hurricane Blade Mary
- (Gracious) Planet Bearing Entellous
- (Grateful) Chatting Melo & Meldt
- (Greedy) Crista, Daredevil Thief
- (Grin) Illucius, Emotional Assassin
- (Grow Rampant) Hunting Mandragora
- (Gunplay) Harmonious Shooter Aiola
- (Gyre) Florenzia, Currents Angel