DEF Line Cards
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All items (725)
- (Abide) Merrilica the Votaress
- (Acceded) Leader of Masses Marianne
- (Accompany) Eloquent Escort Lucio
- (Ageless) Oasis Source Selona
- (Aloof) Edeltraud the Lone King
- (Ambushing) Shadowblade Hinatsuki
- (Amphibian) Elefrog Kyoroko
- (Anguish) Dahaka, Doom Bringer
- (Avowing) Bereft Prince Siegfried
- (Batter) Demon King's Captive Marie
- (Bellow) Tribal Chieftain Hayden
- (Blaggard) Last Pirate Bartholomew
- (Blanched) Storm Empress Avril
- (Caliber) Ulguro the Venerable
- (Chance) Tenacious Dark Sorceress
- (Closure) Wrathful King Hartmut
- (Comet) Balbola, Apocalypse Beast
- (Conceit) Ascentia, Weighing Honor
- (Condemn) Styx, Witch of Truth
- (Congregating) Fated Guardian Angel
- (Control) Silver Mermaid Rhiahan
- (Convoy) Schalit, Brightheart
- (Courteous) Alice & Gilberte
- (Culled) Sword of Fate Holder Zweig
- (Darklord) King Breithaupt in Black
- (Decadence) Valefor of Sovereignty
- (Desire) Slaughtering Seeley
- (Desperation) Joelyne the Reviver
- (Devoir) Elesio, Born of Crystal
- (Disconcerted) Inquiring Palmiro
- (Ebbing Flow) Adeus, Divine Sylph
- (Edgerain) Bladekeeper Virve
- (Egotistic) Dragon Consort Heinrich
- (Electrifying) Thunderflame Zilant
- (End Fate) Adrashian the Orphaned
- (Endowment) Velgo, Unique Summoner
- (Enforcing) Orodin the Overseer
- (Enthroned) Oona, Beast-Raised Elf
- (Equal) Adramelech the Dissembler
- (Espial) Hera, Deity of Love
- (Everhunt) Ildagar of Silent Deep
- (Extremity) Yggdrasil Dryad Queen
- (Fascinating) Heart Stealer Helen
- (Fated Meeting) Ushiwaka & Benkei
- (Firedrake) Blade Bearer Hilde
- (Flurry) Aramis the Skilled
- (Folklore) Cascading Dragon God
- (Freeze) Gynoid, Blizzard Conjurer
- (Head) Pain, High God of Tartas
- (Herospirit) Soulflame-Clad Tina
- (Holy-Night) Beloved Santa Claus
- (Homicidal) Soul-Poisoned Rutika
- (Hubris) Galvin, Avaricious Noble
- (Icewave) Sedna, Wintry Sea Queen
- (Indentured) Agitated Gongorth
- (Instigator) Abyssal Goddess Osiris
- (Intention) Josef, Public Defender
- (Intrigue) Fallen Dark Richelieu
- (Jeering) Demon-Taunting Marcellin
- (Just) Gallahan, Royal Mercenary
- (Keen Eyes) Graceful Magnolia
- (King) Grandmaster Elhazard
- (Kingsblade) Sterling, Off to War
- (Kissing) Romeo, Fighting for Love
- (Laurels) Nike, Goddess of Triumph
- (Law) Gilgadol, Bloodstone Mage
- (Liberating) Tomás, Spirit Scholar
- (Living) Amia, Model Saint
- (Madness) Master of Puppets
- (Maroon) Mabel of the King's Blades
- (Meander) Ishvadol, Wayfaring Sage
- (Mindful) Kalina, Seeking Wisdom
- (Monarch) Maneating Demon Britt
- (Myriforce) Celbescus, Chosen King
- (Narcissist) Crimson-Armed Hendrik
- (Noble Defense) Greatshield Eolgria
- (Obey) Fatale, Enslaving the Undead
- (Object) Radical Apothecary Gilliam
- (Odyssey) Sea Dragoon Cordula
- (Ominous) Lady Paradoxia
- (Onset) Rudiger, Avatar of Chaos
- (Outcome) Philanderous Prince Egeo
- (Permeating) Harmut, Voice of Gods
- (Pharos) Laurnea, Guiding the Lost
- (Puppeteer) Civilia the Songstress
- (Reigning) Uditer, the Star Bearer
- (Revenge) Devious King Rosario
- (Rot) Lifeless King of the Undead
- (Saintheart) Enduring Elsera
- (Scream) Berith, Forest Wanderer
- (Self-reliant) Beastsword Olegario
- (Serenity) Preserving Angel Niolsel
- (Shear) Lucido, Master Beautician
- (Silver Streak) Majestic Shao-D'ola
- (Singing) Sea Virtuosa Cordelia
- (Smoothly) Christmas Commander Kris
- (Soulcry) Sword Saint Ramsus
- (Spare None) Iolina the Plague
- (Succumb) Demon-Resisting Xenagia
- (Sweet Sample) Love-Serving Faye
- (Tech) Master Tinkerer Apprentice
- (Trawl) Murderous Siren Drina
- (True Name) Marlene the Unrecorded
- (Unknown) Ulrich the Eradicator
- (Urging) Silent Gyhldeptis
- (Victorious) Cowardly Lion
- (Violence) Inhert, Oracle Ranger
- (Vow) Agatha, Raging Sea Knight
- (Warclap) Odin, Overflowing Goddess
- (Weapon) Somnolent Hazard Guzman
- (Weighted) Selfish Nephilim Rhanana
- (Weightless) Connie and the Skyfish
- (Wintry) Frozen Tyrant Ghanon
- (Wisp) Black Flame Caller Knight
- (Wistful) Oasis Spirit Hristina
- (Zen) Iron-Slicing Ronin Saigan
- (Trial) Abducted Court Mage Aggart
- Abyssal Goddess Osiris
- Adeus, Divine Sylph
- Adramelech the Dissembler
- Adrashian the Orphaned
- Adventurer Ferdinand
- (Soul-Bearing) Adventurer Ferdinand
- Agatha, Raging Sea Knight
- Agitated Gongorth
- Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Surging) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- Alice & Gilberte
- Alisa, Dragon Witch
- (Interjecting) Alisa, Dragon Witch
- Alluring Chocolatta
- (Endeavoring) Alluring Chocolatta
- Amia, Model Saint
- Amy, Forbidden Fruit Eater
- (Sinner) Amy, Forbidden Fruit Eater
- Anoss, Avatar of Hell
- (Disarray) Anoss, Avatar of Hell
- Arambarley the Incisor
- (Brute) Arambarley the Incisor
- Aramis the Skilled
- Arsames the Disciple
- Ascentia, Weighing Honor
- Aspiring Sinora
- (Consummate) Aspiring Sinora
- Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Fading) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- Aurora, Light Bringer
- (Flicker) Aurora, Light Bringer
- Awakened Spider Zinadia
- (Inhibit) Awakened Spider Zinadia
- Azazel Prophet
- (Void) Azazel Prophet
- Baddox, Past Forgotten
- (Remember) Baddox, Past Forgotten
- Bael, Governor of Power
- (Idol) Bael, Governor of Power
- Balbola, Apocalypse Beast
- Barnett, Hero of Darkness
- (Bane) Barnett, Hero of Darkness
- Beast Servant Augustus
- (Astray) Beast Servant Augustus
- Beastsword Olegario
- Beleaguered Constance
- Beloved Santa Claus
- Bereft Prince Siegfried
- Berith, Forest Wanderer
- Bird Rider Rowena
- (Multiply) Bird Rider Rowena
- Black Flame Caller Knight R
- Blade Bearer Hilde
- Bladekeeper Virve
- Blessed Blade Dilazareth
- (Genocide) Blessed Blade Dilazareth
- Bradley, Quiet Swordsman
- (Focused) Bradley, Quiet Swordsman
- Caged Demon Fiorentina
- (Volition) Caged Demon Fiorentina
- Captivating Rosaline
- (Misconduct) Captivating Rosaline
- Cascading Dragon God
- Cavecrawler Arachne
- (Learning) Cavecrawler Arachne
- Celbescus, Chosen King
- Celica, Denying Death
- (Noble Heart) Celica, Denying Death
- Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- Christmas Commander Kris
- Civilia the Songstress
- Clara & the Nutcracker
- (Charmed) Clara & the Nutcracker
- Clocktower Witch Timuna
- (Rewind) Clocktower Witch Timuna
- (Terra) Clover, Princess of Renewal
- Cocoon-Birthed Aznavour
- (Spreading) Cocoon-Birthed Aznavour
- Committed Deitre
- (Accomplished) Committed Deitre
- (Blood Drinker) Conductress Galatea
- (Instigating) Conductress Galatea
- Connie and the Skyfish