Raid Event, August 2014
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(Encroach) Darkwolf Witch Mynoghra -
Alisa, Dragon Witch -
(Devilhand) Yuis the Fugitive -
Belphegor, Morguesmith -
(Lax) Belphegor, Morguesmith -
(Begrudging) Helzeo, Final Guardian
All items (42)
- (Conflicted) Lotesha, Stony Witch
- (Darkclaw) Kevin, Chief Assassin
- (Demonize) Arachnodancer Albina
- (Devilhand) Yuis the Fugitive
- (Dispossess) Soul-Stealing Recluse
- (Encroach) Darkwolf Witch Mynoghra
- (Forested) Plant Queen Courtria
- (Grow Rampant) Hunting Mandragora
- (Informant) Idegol, Hex Guardian
- (Rash) Battlefield Spirit Durga
- (Role) Kalfonde, Regulator Vanguard
- (Scratching) Roluroo, Darkness Seer