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All items (1052)
- (Wracked) Abject Violinist Beytrand
- (Stark Fear) Absolute Dragon Lutiya
- (Free Call) Absolving Queen Hermina
- (Consuming) Abyss Drake Ginnungagap
- (Morbid Dissolution) Acidic Saldona
- (Sad Victim) Adder Princess Amarnah
- (Ideation) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Wild Credo) Adelphos, Sin Punisher
- (Requirement) Adept Alchemist Märkl
- (Root Matter) Agastoni the Awakener
- (Dark Raid) Ahi, Ruiner of Paradise
- (Nightfall) Aides, Unexpected Guest
- (Callous Search) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Elusive Warmth) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Muffling Frost) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Ruthless Chill) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Contending) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Full Barrage) Air Commander McDean
- (Moral Purity) Alavard the Herowing
- (Airborne Path) Ales the Raven King
- (Amassed Rage) Aliastan the Amalgam
- (Impudent Attitude) Altered Elimval
- (Obscene Influence) Altered Elimval
- (Perverse Demeanor) Altered Elimval
- (Scandalous Manner) Altered Elimval
- (Chance Upon) Alvadd the Conflicted
- (Defined) Ana-Sula, Spirit Consoler
- (Counter Order) Anarchy Sower Chaos
- Angel Twins Emir & Hedir
- (Avid Link) Anjee the Soul-Chaining
- (Two-Fisted) Anne, Devil Hunter Ace
- (Aqua Force) Antlered Sinon
- (Aqua Guard) Antlered Sinon
- (Illuminating Cheer) Antlered Sinon
- (Pyre Force) Antlered Sinon
- (Pyre Guard) Antlered Sinon
- (Terra Force) Antlered Sinon
- (Terra Guard) Antlered Sinon
- (Resplendent Glory) Anxious Maleyha
- (Calm Mindset) Apex-Seeking Laoshen
- Aqua-Sensing Quelle
- (Blank Title) Archive Curator Remis
- (Empty Pages) Archive Curator Remis
- (New Chapter) Archive Curator Remis
- (Open Covers) Archive Curator Remis
- (Resentful Plan) Argent Queen Roche
- (Secure Handle) Argentmaid Fanamure
- (Warfield Order) Armscrafter Athena
- (Idle Froth) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Aqua Force) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Aqua Guard) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Pyre Force) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Pyre Guard) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Rust-Proof) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Terra Force) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- (Terra Guard) Ashlee, Mending Steel
- Ashwing Pariah Peneroi
- (Stabilitate) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Appalled) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Dispirit) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Startled) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Unnerved) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Inexpugnable) Astrid the Hexcaster
- (Sighting) Atepen, Clever Alchemist
- (Proper Precept) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Decade) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- Attached Witch of the North
- (Reaffirmation) Attuning Belgantier
- (Firetrail) Augustia the Charioteer
- (Beamwire) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- (Elegance) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- (Musicale) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- (Carry) Automata Zealot Marina Lina
- Autumn Admirer Jerise
- (Warm Support) Autumn Bather Yumika
- (Fierce Reprisal) Avenging Sigmundr
- (Dismal Plan) Avian Adherent Romaya
- (Deathtouch) Awoken Paradigm Krumer
- (Confronting) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Holding Off) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Holy Battle) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Strike Back) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- Axlana the Missionary
- (Resurrected) Ayahime & Yatsukahagi
- (Generative) Azathoth, Great Matron
- (Marvelous View) Azure Gust Cheyrou
- Backlands Thief Mayaska
- (Heatstrands) Bajiria, Oasis Fencer
- (Reverential) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Scowling) Baneye Twins Jima & Gima
- (Unaltering) Barbara, Cruel Empress
- (Terrify) Barbara, Ultimate Empress
- (Annexation) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (Commandeer) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (New Empire) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (Usurpation) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Ungovernable) Battlecrasher Vitemn
- Battlerina Isabelle
- Beach Warrior Sitri
- (Profound Focus) Bead-Hunting Wa'on
- (Amended Order) Beastkiller Oedipus
- (Maximal) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Optimum) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Topmost) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Proud Cost) Beautiful Bounty Tinao
- (Excruciating) Bell Dancer Manaraji
- (Fetid Core) Belphegor, Corpsesmith
- (Ungratified) Belstegia the Scholar
- (Forest Buzz) Berry Blaster Lynvera
- (Abstruse) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Baffling) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Estimate) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Perilous) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Lush Squall) Black Sea Witch Zoqra
- (Extorted Binge) Blackwing Cadeline
- (Vicious Desire) Blackwing Cadeline
- (Hearkening) Blade Heiress Shariala
- (Reverent Alloy) Blade Saint Sharni
- (Faith Insight) Blind Saint Derleth
- Blood Dragoon Zanaila
- (Vehement Feelings) Bloodblade Riki
- (Fatal Contest) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Unequal Match) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Violent Sport) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Vivid Cascade) Bloodrose Ile Rouge
- Blue-Eyed Ayzmarl
- (Hardbacked) Book Discoverer Resena
- (Everviolent) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Befoulment) Brackish Lake Chironex
- (Defilement) Brackish Lake Chironex
- (Impairment) Brackish Lake Chironex
- (Firm Panes) Brave Beauty Mariposa
- (Dumpster Dive) Brooke the Salvager
- (Surveil Order) Brutal Warden Argus
- (Irascible) Brynhildr, War Princess
- (Delicate Details) Burrowing Bonnie
- (Shrewd Cover) Caleniel, Sky Jailer
- Canopied Misuzu
- Captive Gladiator Henluda
- (Hardworking) Captive Warrior Azena
- Capturing Lenaphine
- (Restoral) Carole and the Mortuudum
- (Depth Staff) Cascade Nymph Gevanna
- (Scripted) Castle Exorcist Nostrad
- (Happy Accident) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Natural Shine) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Solar Lighting) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Unusual Result) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Stalwart) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Carnivorous Jaws) Cerulean Artanis
- (Slippery Tongues) Cerulean Artanis
- (Voracious Scales) Cerulean Artanis
- (Steel Tenacity) Chainblade Yunalee
- (Interest) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Mitigate) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Obscured) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Undercut) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Uncurbed Curse) Chaos Deity Ziogre
- (Relaxed Air) Cherry Blossom Suiren
- (Dazzling Service) Chesed & Netzach
- (Hidden Edge) Chitose, Manin Master
- (Sea Burial) Coastal Warrior Solaca
- (Dauntless Essence) Colonel Ruffine
- (Adaptation) Comte de Saint Germain
- (Rumblecalling) Conductive Negarusa
- Conjuring Palmera
- (Saintly Valor) Consecrated Ginevra
- (Sweeping Rush) Consecrated Ginevra
- (Unshrinking) Consecrated Ginevra
- (Cosmo Trip) Conservationist Legane
- (Mad Ravager) Corrupted Titanomachy
- (Soothing) Cosmic Storyteller Nimya
- (Reminiscent Nap) Cottontail Thalia
- (Fierce Swell) Croc Hunter Olgarusa
- (Chance Occasion) Crowned Nelcheska
- (Triage Method) Cruel Medic Saradia
- Crusadicon Maquinael
- Cryptid Healer Lajosna
- (Shadowed Edge) Cryptidblade Granya
- (Clear Cut) Crystal Princess Nadine
- (Quell Order) Current Ruler Oceanus
- (Unknowing) Cursed Offspring Flemmy
- (Unlearned) Cursed Offspring Flemmy
- (Unwitting) Cursed Offspring Flemmy
- (Frightful Process) Cursed Salvador
- (Disadvantage) Cursed-Frame Mitsuki
- (Perfect Size) Cybil & Doom's Dress
- (Sundown Order) Cycle-Keeping Horus
- Cygnus, Water Seraph
- (Miserable) Cylen, Cursed Violinist