Cards from the Ascension Saga Card Pack, usually for an Odyssey Event.
- Special version of the event's Odyssey Skill Card to reach the powered up final evolution of the event's Odyssey Skill Card.
- Test of Strength Skill Card
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(Blest Script) Amulet Goddess Amewl -
(Befriend) Liza, Taming Savagery -
(Clean Heist) Hundred-Faced Arsena -
(Copious) Charana of Glitz Galleria -
(Brash Lark) Noel-Ruining Edelnacht -
(Breaking Out) Border-Defying Nasei -
(Battle Cleric) Sharni the Adjuring -
(Cartographic) Magic Mapmaker Togha
All items (239)
- (Puerile) Callow Prince Maktum
- (Flesh-Eater) Carnivorous Yakushana
- (Cling Kiss) Casket-Embracing Rinne
- (Maladminister) Cay Ruler Segitiga
- (Triple Threat) Cay Tyrant Segitiga
- (Copious) Charana of Glitz Galleria
- (Surplus) Charana of Glitz Galleria
- (Dazzler) Chris the Illusionist
- (Hoggishness) Commander Cho Hakkai
- (Deadly Cave) Condemned Macleod
- (Dissection) Conscientious Anatomia
- (Dotted Line) Contracting Mephisto
- Crystal Scorpion
- Dagg, Seeking Loyalty
- (Riveting Sound) Dark Grove Quartet
- Dark Paladin Settio
- (Distraught) Darkness-Seized Nalija
- (Tainted) Darkness-Seized Nalija
- Degen the Bloodhunter
- (Ruthless Flow) Depth Knight Donato
- (Turbid Grudge) Depth Knight Donato
- Desert Scorpia Sur-Yun
- Diplomatic Strekoza
- (Lethal Nexus) Dispatching Eloise
- (Vilescale) Divine Serpent Kiyohime
- (Glowleaf) Divine Tree Latowa
- (Cold Figure) Doll Princess Silruka
- (Sudden Return) Doll Tyrant Silruka
- Dragon Bride Malenka
- (Cloudburst) Dragon Caller Nilitina
- (Unveil) Dream Attendant Gyro
- (Reef) Drifting Mercuni
- Ealar, Fire of Rage
- (Composition) Eceka the Archivist
- Edan, Brand of Doom
- Elegant Exorcist François
- (False Happiness) Ellan of Trutopia
- (Nefarious Key) Ellegi the Minstrel
- (Spectral Note) Ellegi the Minstrel
- (Proclaim) Eloquent Diplomat Jasma
- (Hewing Jaws) Eubulu the Underminer
- (Landquaking) Eubulu the Underminer
- Eve's Guardian Bellary
- (Obligation) Ever-Atoning Keanu
- Excavated Rubel
- Fairy Magician Jedd
- (Cold-Hearted) Fangspear Orochihiko
- (Snake Spirit) Fangspear Orochihiko
- (Karmic Dealer) Fate-Seizing Louise
- (Inquiring Mind) Faust the Savant
- (Drifted) Fiorella, Abyssal Scourge
- (Lost Use) Fiorella, Sunken Scourge
- Fire Elemental Forsie
- Fire Victor Visconti
- (Single Method) Flashstrike Goutier
- (Impavid) Forest Thief Lavieen
- (Hard Battler) Hammerhead Barentz
- Hapless Yeela
- Harvest Fairy Poupée
- (Blastdraft) Hastur, Yellow Cyclone
- (Smoldering) Haze Assassin Lyudia
- (Iniquitous) Hell Marquis Kimaris
- (Light Command) Hero-Seeking Gariel
- History Observer Aithris
- (Hidden Past) Holy Dragoon Manevia
- (Strict Rules) Holy Warden Somanada
- (Triste) Hombre de Angustia José
- (Ogumo) Hope-Fetching Ayahime
- (Indescribable) Hounds of Tindalos
- (Clean Heist) Hundred-Faced Arsena
- Huvane, Wings of Carnage
- (Incited Killing) Hypnoshot Hamelin
- Ibuki the Yojimbo
- (Discreet) Imperial Maven Laverna
- Impervious Gerome
- (Dreadful Steps) Impure Barbariccia
- (Devilish Gun) Inauspicious Hamelin
- (Crafty Escort) Inda, Vermin Master
- (Nauseous Turf) Inda, Vermin Master
- (Dogged Crusade) Indomitable El Cid
- (Enriched Ground) Invasive Helonium
- (Dishonored) Island Officer Milweli
- (Decapitation) Madam Guillotine
- (Cruel Chains) Madrao the Disgraced
- (Entombed Fault) Madrao the Unbound
- (Kitten) Maggi, Puss in Boots
- (Cartographic) Magic Mapmaker Togha
- Manic Einherjar Argriff
- (Steel Liver) Manmade Barfly Frandi
- (Unruly Mood) Manmade Barfly Frandi
- Marine Magician Gilvaz
- Maroon Berserker Vrot
- (Vocation) Mask-Sealing Allion
- Medusnake Gatanodua
- (Handed Down) Miguela Quixano
- (Taboo Secrets) Milledemonio Goetia
- (Solemn Court) Miriam the Convictor
- Momo-no-Sei Taoshin
- Moon-Sailing Erin
- Mountainous Sah Gojo
- (Sharp Hubris) Mountainous Sah Gojo
- (Sought Pieces) Pact Witch Cherline
- (Phantasm Swarm) Papiliomage Aledia
- Pathfinders Marga & Ríte
- (Treasuring) Pegasus Kin Solha
- Penitent Prince Elmar
- (Eager) Phoenix Healer Gemma
- (Sea Union) Pirate Princess Ashlyan
- (Sea Watch) Pirate Princess Ashlyan
- (Predatory Type) Plantchild Marista
- Pneumatic Rifler Rivel
- Powerwild Gévaudan
- (Unconventional) Princesses of Fury
- (Nubile Fighters) Princesses of War
- (Reflective) Principled Scholar Ray
- Prometida Fiel Micaëla
- Psy-Forger Alisamon
- (Dark Arena) Sandrine, Shadow Tamer
- Scarecrow, Barren God
- (Stir) Sceptermaker Kodorfitte
- (Making Merry) Sea Reveler Milasion
- (Pilferage) Sea Rover Mariarita
- Secret Operative Serbelia
- (Proving) Secret Operative Serbelia
- Sentiment-Bearing Allamand
- Shadowed Prince Tosh
- (Battle Cleric) Sharni the Adjuring
- (Constrained Mouth) Silenced Kaname
- (Charming Swing) Silkrobat Patricia
- (Lithesome Kill) Silkrobat Patricia
- (Mischievous Zest) Sizzling Jolokia
- (Spicy Stimulant) Sizzling Jolokia
- (Airborne Raid) Skyfin Tamer Nohnia
- (Her Majesty) Slave Queen Shantal
- (Jolly Air) Smile-Delivering Majest
- (Warmheart) Smile-Delivering Majest
- (Ringed) Smoke-Averse Eleight
- (Westward Bound) Soaring Son Gokuu
- Soul-Draining Zelad
- Soul-Feasting Ausarius
- (Heartrending) Soulmaster Dis Pater