Cards with Artwork by Evan Lee.
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- Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Angel Ship) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Calming) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Currents) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Genial) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Hospitable) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Icon) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Local Idol) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Magic Ship) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Mellowing) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Peace Boat) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Popularize) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Prime Ship) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Promote) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Relieving) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Sustaining) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- Aditi, Dragon Master
- (Merciful) Aditi, Dragon Master
- (Rejuvenating) Aditi, Dragon Master
- (Sparing) Aditi, Dragon Master
- Agapios, God of the Arts
- (Harem) Agapios, God of the Arts
- (A. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (A. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Emigration) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (Lush Home) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (P. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (P. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (T. F.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- (T. G.) Agrestal Maiden Eunice
- Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Alleviator) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Gaia Nurse) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Placatory) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Pure Hands) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Recoupment) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Symbiosis) Agria, Nature's Mender
- Alluring Chocolatta
- (Candied Heart) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Endeavoring) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Natural Taste) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Pure Fondness) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Sweet & Spicy) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Syrupy Smooth) Alluring Chocolatta
- Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Bothered) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Brood) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Harried) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Hatching) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Nascency) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Natality) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Pop Out) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Scatter) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Scramble) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- Anje, Dreamer of Legends
- (Escapade) Anje, Dreamer of Legends
- (Mindtrip) Anje, Dreamer of Legends
- (Passing) Anje, Dreamer of Legends
- Aspiring Sinora
- (Consummate) Aspiring Sinora
- (Aqua Force) Audacious Cinderella
- (Aqua Guard) Audacious Cinderella
- (Decompress) Audacious Cinderella
- (Degeneration) Audacious Cinderella
- (Pyre Force) Audacious Cinderella
- (Pyre Guard) Audacious Cinderella
- (Terra Force) Audacious Cinderella
- (Terra Guard) Audacious Cinderella
- (Aqua Force) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Aqua Guard) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Lost Scourge) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Noncompliant) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Pyre Force) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Pyre Guard) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Terra Force) Azmira the Forbidden
- (Terra Guard) Azmira the Forbidden
- Azmira the Unspeakable
- (Residuum) Azmira the Unspeakable
- Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Brave Role) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Firm Arms) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Impellent) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Incitement) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Inducement) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Timid Rise) Elisa, Quivering Rebel
- (Aqua Force) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Aqua Guard) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Foretelling) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Overanxious) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Pyre Force) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Pyre Guard) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Terra Force) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- (Terra Guard) Eve, Amateur Assassin
- Eve, New Assassin
- (Apprehensive) Eve, New Assassin
- (Realizing) Eve, New Assassin
- (Skulking) Eve, New Assassin
- Filomena, Hunting Lovers
- (Deluded) Filomena, Hunting Lovers
- (Romantic) Filomena, Hunting Lovers
- (Undertow) Filomena, Hunting Lovers
- (A. F.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (A. G.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (Enamored) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (Gripping) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (P. F.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (P. G.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (T. F.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- (T. G.) Filomena, Seeking Lovers
- Four-Armed Alpine Titan
- (Force) Four-Armed Alpine Titan
- (Aqua Force) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Aqua Guard) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Foggy Course) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Hooked Grasp) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Pyre Force) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Pyre Guard) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Terra Force) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Terra Guard) Gertrude the Mariner
- (Hook Hand) Gertrude the Seafarer
- Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Bright Snow) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Drift Gift) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Festal Snow) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Goodwill) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Sacred Snow) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- (Solicitous) Grailey, Fairy of Joy
- Gremory, Governess of Love
- (Grace) Gremory, Governess of Love
- Greta, Queen of Toyland
- (Irongrip) Greta, Queen of Toyland
- (A. F.) Harper the Little Monster
- (A. G.) Harper the Little Monster
- (Emulous) Harper the Little Monster
- (P. F.) Harper the Little Monster
- (P. G.) Harper the Little Monster
- (Roundup) Harper the Little Monster
- (T. F.) Harper the Little Monster
- (T. G.) Harper the Little Monster
- Harper the Tiny Terror
- (Childish) Harper the Tiny Terror
- Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Blaming) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Bothersome) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Burdensome) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Coercive) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Execution) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Hysterical) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Onerous) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Peevish) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Refractory) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Retrying) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Screeching) Haughty Princess Helvi
- (Spoiled) Haughty Princess Helvi
- Haunting Lo-u-Ling
- (Abject Grudge) Haunting Lo-u-Ling
- (Detection) Heart-Probing Felicity
- (Flustered) Heart-Probing Felicity
- (Intrusion) Heart-Probing Felicity
- (Sensation) Heart-Probing Felicity
- (A. F.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (A. G.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (Kittenish) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (P. F.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (P. G.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (T. F.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (T. G.) Heart-Touching Felicity
- (Vicarious) Heart-Touching Felicity
- Hell Maestra Qursa
- (Blaring) Hell Maestra Qursa
- (Compelling) Hell Maestra Qursa
- (Deathly) Hell Maestra Qursa
- (Raving) Hell Maestra Qursa
- Hoarding Panique
- (Abundant Harvest) Hoarding Panique
- (Abundant Stash) Hoarding Panique
- (Bountiful Haul) Hoarding Panique
- (Boxfruit) Hoarding Panique
- (Brimful Baskets) Hoarding Panique
- (Endless Haul) Hoarding Panique
- (Giftfruit) Hoarding Panique
- (Hidden Grove) Hoarding Panique
- (Monopolized Haul) Hoarding Panique
- (Personal Stash) Hoarding Panique
- (Private Haul) Hoarding Panique
- (Renewed Stash) Hoarding Panique
- (Second Helping) Hoarding Panique
- (Treasure Orchard) Hoarding Panique
- Holy Knight Dragonrider
- (Adamant) Holy Knight Dragonrider