Multi-Evolution cards evolved with the Arcane Water Crest:
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All items (1240)
- (Value) A Girl & A Wise Hunter
- (Lifeline) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Unfettered) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Icon) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Prime Ship) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Relieving) Aberra, Waterway Fairy
- (Freezing) Absolute Zero Evangeline
- (Corrective) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Campaign) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Explicit) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Askew Wings) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Disablement) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Fair Release) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Vindicated) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (New Legacy) Adrashian the Orphaned
- (Fomenting) Advachiel of Horizons
- (Placatory) Agria, Nature's Mender
- (Course) Ainas, Unicorn Messenger
- (Ruthless Chill) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Lost Wish) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (U. A.) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Punctilious Work) Airy Witch Marny
- (Aqueous Havoc) Ajatar
- (Retract) Alberich, Taunted by Fate
- (Heroism) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Strived) Aleph, Nameless Swordsman
- (Impending Caw) Ales the Raven King
- (Talon Blade) Ales the Raven King
- (Umbra Aqua) Alisa, Dragon Witch
- (Relieve) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Therapy) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Syrupy Smooth) Alluring Chocolatta
- (Impudent Attitude) Altered Elimval
- (Counterforce) Alternating Reversa
- (Powershift) Alternating Reversa
- (Ally) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Duty) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Right) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Team) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Unit) Altruistic Azure Musketeers
- (Alarming) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Unbent) Amaria of Holy Blue & Gold
- (Impure Spell) Amorous Twin Witches
- (Blue Benison) Amulet Goddess Amewl
- (Expressive) Amused Spirana
- (Inspiring Spirit) Amused Spirana
- (Impure) Amy, Forbidden Fruit Eater
- (Deep Merit) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Joy Foster) Anemoi, Breeze Carrier
- (Inexorable Mob) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Nascency) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Pentavigor) Angel of Blessings
- (Seven Benefits) Angel of Blessings
- (Demon Surge) Angelia the Reluctant
- (Indulge) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Valuing) Anguished General Delfina
- (Nuptial Loyalty) Annika, War Bride
- (New Chapter) Archive Curator Remis
- (Progenitor) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Steelskin) Arcturus the Ruined
- (Querulous) Arena Girl Jaspearl
- (Force Symbol) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Foammantle) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Placid Act) Arona, Timid Merbeauty
- (Preside) Artorius, Holy Sword King
- (Odd Luster) Ashwing Pariah Peneroi
- (Blessed Grief) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Acclamation) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Contentious) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Sponsorship) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Agonized) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Appalled) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (No Hate) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Quelled) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Quieted) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Tincture) Atepen, Clever Alchemist
- (Negate) Athena, Protector of Order
- (Initiated) Athos, Evil's Bane
- (Revengeclaw) Atia, Highland Lupine
- (Nightwrath) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Fatal Repose) Atropa, Flower Lover
- (Amuse) Attached Witch of the North
- (Concenter) Attuning Belgantier
- (Depth) Attuning Belgantier
- (Dominance) Augustia the Charioteer
- (Elegance) Aurora Virtuosa Concilia
- (Scenic View) Autumn Admirer Jerise
- (Cool Shade) Autumn Goddess Melinda
- (Cordiality) Autumn Goddess Melinda
- (Availing) Avian Adherent Romaya
- (Battletalon) Avian Adherent Romaya
- (Awaited) Wishful Traveler Ricoeur
- (Death Web) Awakened Spider Zinadia
- (Faultless One) Ax Princess Inahime
- (Holding Off) Axe Crusader Phalaris
- (Burst Forth) Axlana the Missionary
- (Casual Voyage) Ayano, Bygone Deity
- (Evil Expulsion) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Gallant Breeze) Azure Gale Cheyrou
- (Later Chance) Backtracking Elimval
- (Pious Merit) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Unreachable) Balha, Penitent Demon
- (Deathdive) Bandard, Ironwing Thief
- (Oppressive) Barbara, Cruel Empress
- (Loveshell) Barbara, Easter Empress
- (Arouse) Barbara, Halloween Empress
- (Spellbind) Barbara, Undead Empress
- (Engulf) Barbara, Unmatched Empress
- (Usurpation) Barbara, Vexed Empress
- (Strike) Bardas, Battlefield Slayer
- (Aqueous Havoc) Basilisk
- (Levity Aloft) Bat Princess Cuvilla
- (Grasped Dream) Battlerina Isabelle
- (Shaved Ice) Beach Diner Fu-Ling
- (Calm Ripples) Beachside Bunny Lani
- (Shrewd Betrayal) Beastone Miladine
- (Topmost) Beauteous Samurai Kushana
- (Aqueous Havoc) Behemoth
- (Pacifying Bath) Belligerent Charla
- (Aphotic) Belphegor, Morguesmith
- (Full Bottle) Belstegia the Scholar
- (Character) Beowulf, King of Legend
- (Taffy Pull) Berry, Sugar Witch
- (Disgraceful) Bestialized Ildar
- (Baffling) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Hedonism) Bewitching Vixen Tamamo
- (Astounding) Bijoul Defender Voce
- (Shining Hope) Bijoul Defender Voce
- (Curbing Fog) Bijoul Preserver Voce
- (Begetting Quest) Bird Rider Rowena
- (Dark Swan) Black Valkyrie Sangreal
- (Grave Fixation) Blade-Cursed Maina
- (Deadhunt) Blessed Blade Dilazareth
- (Clash) Blizzard Fighter Modesto
- (Impetuous Assault) Bloodblade Riki
- (Cruel Swing) Bloodboiling Cocobrad
- (Slaying Lash) Bloodfrond Seralotte
- (Sadistic Play) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Violent Sport) Bloodletting Lenata
- (Umbra Aqua) Bloodrose Ile Rouge
- (Forfeited Chance) Bloodwing Gillel
- (Tainted Mind) Bloodwing Gillel
- (True Belonging) Blooming Frey Rose
- (Emulation) Blue Sky Between Clouds
- (Bold Liberation) Blue-Eyed Ayzmarl
- (Superb) Blueberry Cheesecake
- (Crack) Boreas of the Northern Wind
- (Power Blast) Boruz of Blood Valley
- (Befoulment) Brackish Lake Chironex
- (Double Bloodshed) Brea the Untamed
- (Saber-Tooth) Brea the Untamed
- (Honest Attraction) Bridal Veil Uni
- (Corybantic) Brynhildr, War Maiden
- (Sweeping) Brynhildr, War Princess
- (Steady Flame) Burning Archer Runoa
- (Grand Risk) Caged Demon Fiorentina
- (Unstoppable) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Vow Action) Calaf, Revenge Sworn
- (Reformation) Calatona the Unifier
- (Total Bond) Calatona the Unifier
- (Gooey) Candy Gobbler Goiva
- (Obliging Downpour) Canopied Misuzu
- (Comfortable Cool) Captivated Fione
- (Mutual Defeat) Capturing Lenaphine
- (Desatada) Carmen, Pícara del Amor
- (Horrendous) Carnivorous Yakushana
- (Sweet Shower) Carousing Rogue Lara
- (Dependence) Casen the Sealed Deity
- (Grave Charge) Casket Courier Vanda
- (Quashing) Cassios the Executioner
- (Effortless Theft) Cat Burglar Nera
- (Sticky Paws) Cat Burglar Nera
- (Natural Shine) Cave Hare Miramise
- (Coastal Storm) Cay Ruler Segitiga
- (New Wish) Celebratory Elimval
- (Hallucinational) Celestial Romana
- (Obscured Reality) Celestial Romana
- (Alternative) Celica, Denying Death
- (Impeding) Cemetery Guardian Noreen
- (Avouching) Centria, Aurora of Life
- (Benefactor) Centria, Light of Life
- (Aqueous Havoc) Cerberus
- (Slippery Tongues) Cerulean Artanis
- (Disrupt) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Undercut) Chalon, Ousting Darkness
- (Clinch) Charged Witch of the North
- (Clamor) Charitable Thief Anita
- (Gift Salvo) Charitable Thief Anita
- (Kirisute) Cherry Blossom Suiren
- (Blessed Triumph) Chesed & Netzach
- (Sworn Providence) Chesed & Netzach
- (Resounding) Child of Thunder Razma
- (Royal Trial) Chill-Enduring Elenoa
- (Descent) Chilling Irizela
- (Storming) Chiron, Holy Horse Rider
- (Darkcleaver) Chitose, Manin Expert
- (Nightmaster) Chitose, Manin Expert
- (Unmasking) Christine of the Angels
- (Blue Frost) Christmas Tree Abies