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All items (2618)
- (Enigmatic) Lorentz the Ultimate
- (Extinguish) Kairos, Last Verdict
- (Extreme) Tiamat of Malefic Tyranny
- (Herospirit) Soulflame-Clad Tina
- (Outlook) True Crimson Philosophia
- (Ravish) Bewitching Morgan le Fay
- (Returned) Demented Devil Dwayne
- (Revealed) The Phantom of the Opera
- (Three Minds) Doubly Haunted Faune
- (Vigil) Sacrosanct Flame Vesta
- (Warclap) Odin, Overflowing Goddess
- (Wisp) Black Flame Caller Knight
- (Absconding) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Distressed) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Humiliated) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Lifeline) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Restricted) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Scornful) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Seared) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Unfettered) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Unrestricted) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Unshackled) Abased Devil Glaema
- (Seized) Abducted Court Mage Aggart
- (Trial) Abducted Court Mage Aggart
- (Corrective) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Cruel Pair) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Ill Method) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Riot Smite) Ada, Priest in Despair
- (Campaign) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Jostling) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Movement) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Visceral) Adelia the Revolutionary
- (Deteriorate) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Disablement) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Flawed Lift) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Substandard) Adid, Divinity Fading
- (Acquitted) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Averted) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Defenseless) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Disburdened) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Exculpated) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Fair Release) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Last Chance) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Mended Honor) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Rightful End) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Vindicated) Adjudicated Zovurata
- (Callous Search) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Elusive Warmth) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Glacial Course) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Muffling Frost) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Ruthless Chill) Ainoa the Icy Wave
- (Broiling) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Icing Over) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Lost Flame) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Lost Vista) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Lost Wish) Ainoa, Wandering Frost
- (Silveredge) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- (Silvertone) Ainoraak, Truth Sleuth
- Ajatar
- (Aqueous Havoc) Ajatar
- (Burning Havoc) Ajatar
- (Extreme Havoc) Ajatar
- (Growing Havoc) Ajatar
- (Natural Havoc) Ajatar
- Akaryu Commander Nakiri
- (Insurgent) Akaryu Commander Nakiri
- (Ameliorate) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Assuaging) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Closeness) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Exhilarated) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (New Purpose) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Recondition) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Relieve) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Remedial) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Rush Slice) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Therapy) Allies Riki & Rozanna
- (Diabolical Snare) Altered Elimval
- (Impudent Attitude) Altered Elimval
- (Obscene Influence) Altered Elimval
- (Perverse Demeanor) Altered Elimval
- (Scandalous Manner) Altered Elimval
- (Changeabout) Alternating Reversa
- (Contradiction) Alternating Reversa
- (Counterforce) Alternating Reversa
- (Disengaged) Alternating Reversa
- (Failure's Win) Alternating Reversa
- (Fluctuating) Alternating Reversa
- (Inverting) Alternating Reversa
- (Overturn) Alternating Reversa
- (Powershift) Alternating Reversa
- (Transposing) Alternating Reversa
- (Alarming) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Horrific) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Scarring) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Terrible) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Wounding) Amadeo, Flying Death God
- (Expressive) Amused Spirana
- (Imaginative) Amused Spirana
- (New Assignment) Amused Spirana
- (Rumormongering) Amused Spirana
- (Carrion Corps) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Enduring Reign) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Inexorable Mob) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Loyal Cadavers) Anfisa of the Dark
- (Bothered) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Harried) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Nascency) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Natality) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- (Pop Out) Angel Egg Delivery Bunny
- Angel Twins Emir & Hedir
- (Culpable) Angel Twins Emir & Hedir
- Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Indulge) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Parlous) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Partial) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Succor) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Warding) Angrboða, Motherly Jötunn
- (Fatal Honeymoon) Annika, War Bride
- (Fateful Wedding) Annika, War Bride
- (Nuptial Loyalty) Annika, War Bride
- (United Soldiers) Annika, War Bride
- (Enchaining) Anshar, Realm Explorer
- (Stamp Out) Anshar, Realm Explorer
- Antipodean Aslecia
- (Dual Mastery) Antipodean Aslecia
- (Cleansing) Aqua Sphere Petra
- Aqua Sphere Petra R
- (Flame V) Arbiters of Justice
- (Flame VI) Arbiters of Justice
- (Flame VII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Flame VIII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Flame X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature V) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature VI) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature VII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature VIII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Nature X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water V) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water VI) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water VII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water VIII) Arbiters of Justice
- (Water X) Arbiters of Justice
- (Cremate) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Deify) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Evil Matron) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Obliterate) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Progenitor) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Recreate) Archsummoner Totalel
- (Unifying) Archsummoner Totalel
- Argent Queen Roche
- (Resentful Plan) Argent Queen Roche
- (Countercheck) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Force Symbol) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Might Symbol) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Order Symbol) Armed Queen Jeralice
- (Verification) Armed Queen Jeralice
- Ashendal the Founder
- (Deadly Faith) Ashendal the Founder
- Asnadjia, Sword Prodigy
- (Sublimity) Asnadjia, Sword Prodigy
- (Blessed Agony) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Grief) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Scars) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Blessed Spite) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Remedial Rest) Assuaging Milianaza
- (Acclamation) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Approvement) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Concurrence) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Consultancy) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Contentious) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Contentment) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Countenance) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Empowerment) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Infliction) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Iron-Willed) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Mental Prop) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Sponsorship) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Stabilitate) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Vindication) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Worthy Pain) Assuring Hand Manuage
- (Appalled) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Dispirit) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Notional) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Startled) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Unnerved) Astra, Celestial Dreamer
- (Adverse) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Allayed) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Defused) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Quelled) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Stilled) Astral Shamaness Silmaria
- (Hostile) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Lightgash) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Lunaglare) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Nightwrath) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- (Presiding) Atia, Tableland Lupine
- Attached Elequilla
- (Covetous Heart) Attached Elequilla
- (Adore) Attached Witch of the North
- (Amuse) Attached Witch of the North
- (Enjoy) Attached Witch of the North