Few legends are as grand and austere as the king of heroes, Beowulf. From his very first battle, never once did he relinquish his honor as a warrior. His lofty position in history was secured after he slew the monstrous Grendel in a fierce struggle. Though all fables are fated to be lost, his tale has heretofore withstood the ravages of time, each retelling as vivid and exhilarating as the last.
- Added on July 22, 2014 as part of Wings of Fantasy 4 Card Pack.
- Rereleased on October 13, 2014 in Rising Sun Box Card Pack.
Name origin[]
Beowulf (/ˈbeɪ.ɵwʊlf/; Old English: [ˈbeːo̯wʊlf]) is a legendary Geatish hero and later turned king in the epic poem named after him, one of the oldest surviving pieces of literature in the English language.
Beowulf is the conventional title of an Old English epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia, the oldest surviving epic poem of Old English and thus commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also arguably the earliest vernacular English literature.
Additional Info[]
- Artwork by Choi Yongjae.
- Renewed Version: (Hardihood) Beowulf, King of Legend