The 4th Anniversary Campaign was launched on April 12, 2016 (9:00 PM PST) to celebrate the "birthday" of the game on May 6.
4th Anniversary Login Card Pack[]
Players have to access the Top Page before 5:00 AM (PST) to receive that days's allotment of tickets.
- 1 ticket daily from April 12th, 9:00 PM (PST) to May 2nd, 7:59 AM (PST)
- 2 tickets daily from May 2nd, 8:00 AM (PST) to May 7th, 7:59 AM (PST)
- 1 ticket daily from May 7th, 8:00 AM (PST) to June 6th, 7:59 AM (PST)
- Card Pack available from May 7th, 8:00 AM (PST) to June 12th, 7:59 PM (PST)
Box Content[]
The content of the Box cannot be reset. Any remaining Box Tickets will be collected at the end of the promo period. All Cards have the same probability of being drawn.
- 2 x Joyous Dream Princesses
- 5 x Mighty Ultimate Dragon (UR)
- 1 x Genius Ultimate Dragon (UR)
- 3 x Genius Young Dragon (UR)
- 4 x 100 Gems
- 4 x 18-PWR & Up UR Ticket
- 4 x 16-PWR & Up UR Ticket
- 4 x 50 Gems
- 2 x 200 Gems
- 3 x 50% UR Ticket
- 8 x LCP Claim Ticket
- 5 x Power Potion
- 5 x Energy Drink
4th Anniversary Card Pack[]
Players have the chance to acquire an animated Elimval, Hero's Aid with a 5% ticket. The Card Pack was available from May 7, 2016 (12:00 AM PST).
Tickets could be obtained
- as Chain and Victory Rewards during the Underworld XIII event.
- from the Countdown Grab Bag Card Pack (April 24, 2016).
- from the Master of Fate Card Pack (April 29, 2016).
- as Raid Boss Repel Rewards in the Monumental Struggle Raid Event.
- from the 4th Anniversary Grab Bag Card Pack (May 7, 2016).
- as Victory Count Reward in the Battle Royale XLVIII.
- as Victory Rewards during the Underworld XIV event.
4th Anniversary Prize Pull[]
Available from May 15, 2016 8:00 PM (PST) until June 12, 2016 7:50 PM (PST).
Tickets could be obtained
- by Login once a day.
- as Ranking Reward in the Battle Royale XLVIII.
- as Chain Rewards during the Underworld XIV event.
- Grand: Animated 23-PWR UR Ticket x 1 (only on weekends, 1 x daily)
- 1st: Gems x 30,000 (1 x daily)
- 2nd: Gems x 5,000 (3 x daily)
- 3rd: 21-PWR UR Ticket x 1 (5 x daily)
- 4th: 20-PWR & Up UR Ticket x 1
- 5th: 18-PWR & Up UR Ticket x 1
- 6th: 16-PWR & Up UR Ticket x 1
- 7th: Energy Drink x 10 & Power Potion x 10
- 8th: 4th Anniversary Bubbly (Bound) x 10
- 9th: 4th Anniversary Cake (Bound) x 10
- 10th: Friendship Points x 500