Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Unassailable) Resistant Enisel


Her wings blackened and burnt, Enisel might be mistaken for a fallen angel. Yet she has not abandoned her pursuit as she continues to make gradual progress against the demons through the fiery expanse. The gods' plan may have been reckless, but she knows they have faith in her. Enisel's overtly tenacious nature allows her to persevere where other angels may have fallen long ago.


See Resistant Enisel.

Name origin[]

A fallen angel is a wicked or rebellious angel that has been cast out of heaven. The term "fallen angel" is used of angels who sinned, of angels cast down to the earth in the War in Heaven; of Satan; demons. The term has become popular in fictional literature regarding angels.

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Dalisa.
