Morzel began to gain the qualities of whatever's flesh she consumed: horns, skins, talons, wings. Unaware as to her miraculous to consume and consume. Before long, she desired a taste of Neotellus itself, with its resplendent forms of life. Licking her lips, she imagined the deep and complex flavor. "Yes, first Neotellus, then all the stars in the Heavens will follow," she thought.
Name origin[]
Morzel translates from Dutch as "small piece; crumb, bit".
Epicure (gourmet), a person interested in food, sometimes with overtones of excessive refinement; the word may sometimes carry overtones of excessive refinement. In philosophy, Epicureanism propounded an ethic of individual pleasure as the sole or chief good in life - "pleasure" is the greatest good; and here Epicure is a person devoted to sensual pleasures, esthete.
Additional Info[]
Deals up to 11x the Front Line damage to the Hidden Boss in Tome of Mystaria Raid Event.
- It is the first power 16 pure Raid skill card in the game (all previous were power 14 or special evolutions).
- Artwork by Bayard Wu.