Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Reattachment) World-Cherishing Ran


The life span of a deity is much longer than a human's. Certain though it was, Aegir's passing left Ran with an inconsolable sadness. Only some centuries later did she realize he would not delight to see her in such a state. She was convinced to share that fondness for him with all Neotellus and soon discovered it indeed alleviated the pain of her loss.


Evolve (Reconsecrate) World-Cherishing Ran with (Reconsecrate) World-Cherishing Ran.

Name Origin[]

In Norse mythology, Rán is a goddess and a personification of the sea. Rán and her husband Ægir, who also personifies the sea, have nine daughters, who personify waves.

Additional Info[]

  • Third stage of a 4-Stage evolution.
  • Works against all Raid Bosses during the Sangalata's Eye Raid Event.

See also[]

(Reattachment) World-Cherishing Ran (Normal Card Image)
