Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Reached) Leader of Masses Marianne


The account of a single woman who had lead an entire country to ruin had been dubbed the Nightmare Revolution. Marianne feared she had descended from that figure, for the ruling classes' oppression of the people incensed her more than anything. However, she was also afraid of the consequences. Yet as the life of newborn baby within her arms dwindled, that concern dissipated. She was now fully prepared to stand up for the weak and carry on the unfulfilled desires of the dead. The time had come to stage a revolution.


Added on January 13, 2023 to the Cosmic Origins Card Pack.

Name origin[]

Marianne is a French female given name, either a diminutive of Marie or a combination of Marie and Anne. Shortly after the formation of the French Republic in 1792, a female figure by this name was adopted as the symbol of the state.

Additional Info[]
