Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Project) Mirror Witch Bartolomea


Bartolomea had grown despondent that she would never leave her mirror prison, until a certain thought struck her. "If I am unable to go outside, then I should bring the people outside in." She then began luring unsuspecting fools into her world and held them as her own. As she heard their cries for help, the pain of solitude began to ebb away.


See Mirror Witch Bartolomea.

Name origin[]

Bartolomea is an Italian feminine form of Βαρθολομαιος (Bartholomaios), which was the Greek form of an Aramaic name meaning "son of Talmai (the farmer)". In the New Testament Bartholomew is the byname of an apostle also known as Nathaniel.

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Dante Liu.
