Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Planchette) Twili, Spirit of Ouija


"Envision the face of your dearest," Twili commanded coldly. Even in death, she was unable to part with her livelihood, for her passing only strengthened her bond with the world of the dead. The only salve that provided relief to her suffering was the fear of others stimulated by her ominous divinations.


Added on April 12, 2020 to the Ascension Saga Card Pack.

Name origin[]

Twili is a race in the Universe of The Legend of Zelda.

A ouija is a flat board purportedly used to communicate with the spirits of the deceased.

Additional Info[]

  • Special Test of Strength Skill Card for the Dark Reincarnation Odyssey Event. Gives 4x the Items regardless of Skill level. Gives 6-8x the Items when evolved with maxed out Skill.
  • Artwork by Dalisa.
  • Renewed Version of Twili, Spirit of Ouija