Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Perplexed) Longtail Dragon Vázquez


Vazquez's long tail whipped through the streets of the human city. Destroying it was all too easy, and this gave him confidence. "I made the right choice," he told himself. It was the Shadow King's army versus an allied force made up of humans and gods. The gap in power was too great, and Vazquez could see that it would be too difficult to overthrow the Shadow King. In accordance with the laws of nature, Vazquez had sided with the Shadow King and sacrificed the lives of others for the sake of his own survival.


See Longtail Dragon Vázquez.

Name Origin[]

Vázquez (also spelled Vásquez, Vasques), in non Spanish-speaking countries often as Vazquez or Vasquez. Originally Basques (Vascos in Spanish) is French and English to describe an ethnic group which primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country. Other roots describe it as a Galician surname, in use not only in Galicia but all over Spanish-speaking world.

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Kou Takano.
