Seth, the god of wind and thunder, brought more than just disaster to Neotellus. When the demons on the surface closed in, he destroyed them with his devine judgement. The demons fell to his thunder, their bodies crushed. Those who had not forgotten to worship the gods were always protected by Seth on high.
Name Origin[]
Set or Seth (also spelled Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, chaos, war and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. Set is not, however, a god to be ignored or avoided; he has a positive role where he is employed by Ra on his solar boat to repel the serpent of Chaos Apep. Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant. He was lord of the red (desert) land where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.