Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

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22 November 2022

1 July 2022

  • curprev 10:0110:01, 1 July 2022‎ Ursel08 Message Wall contribs‎ 2,103 bytes 0‎ No edit summary undo
  • curprev 09:5809:58, 1 July 2022‎ Ursel08 Message Wall contribs‎ 2,103 bytes +2,103‎ Created page with "{{DEFAULTSORT:Azmira the Forbidden}} {{Infobox multi evol card |name = (Noncompliant) Azmira the Forbidden |image = file: (P) Azmira the Forbidden.jpg |element = Fire |rarity = Legend Rare EX |base atk = 14190 |max atk = 45150 |base def = 14190 |max def = 45150 |max lvl = 90 |pwr needed = 38 |skill = Taboo Evil |skill effect = Supreme boost to all ATK and Supreme boost to all ATK augmented by # of Fire Cards in your Front Line |sale price = |first evolution = (Terra Forc..."