On the day of Emane's advent, the whole world will tremble, as if the land itself fears her. Adventurers from her; some out of curiosity, some drawn by her strength, some seeking the thrill of battle, and some in the name of justice. However, each one will meet their doom in an instant. Emane will recline on a throne of those she has slain and yawn in boredom.
See Emane, Challenger of Gods.
Name origin[]
Emane (Emanie, Emann) as a feminine name has its origins in the Arabic language, is a form of the name Emani (Eman - masculine form); the meaning is "faith".
Additional Info[]
- Special Skill Card for League of Shadows Odyssey Event. Boosts the number of Event Items acquired by up to 60% when evolved.
- Artwork by Lius Lasahido
- Renewed Version: (Routine) Emane, Challenger of Gods.