Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Masked) Knight Apprentice Shinly


Shinly's swordsmanship was as oppressive as her personality. She prefers not tricks, but instead drawing out her opponent's skill and clashing face-on. Even those who best her in sparring admit they cannot compare in pure skill. Her style in battle displays that of a perfectionist, but with a form similar to a dancer. One can only wonder how ardently she has practiced. Her hair swings hypnotically like her blade, and before her adversary has noticed, they are quickly seeking for ways to excuse their loss.


Evolving three Knight Apprentice Shinly cards together.

Name origin[]

Knights Apprentice are also called squire(s). Beginning in the Middle Ages, a squire was the shield- or armour-bearer of a knight. At times, squires acted as a knight’s errand runner or servant. Use of the term evolved over time. Initially, squires were a knight’s trainees/apprentices. Later, a village leader or a lord of the manor might be called a squire, and still later, the term applied to key public figures, such as justices of the peace or members of parliament. In contemporary American usage, squire is the title given to justices of the peace or similar local dignitaries. Squire is a shortened version of the word esquire, from the Old French escuier (modern French écuyer), itself derived from the Late Latin scutarius ("shield bearer"), in medieval or Old English a scutifer. The Classical Latin equivalent was armiger, "arms bearer".

Additional Info[]

  • Deals up to 10x the front line damage to the Secret Boss during The Lost Army Raid Event.
  • Third card in 4-stage evolution.
  • Artwork by Kisuny.